Gift from Guard Gannon  

Submitted by:shallot
Start Zone: Deadlands of Annwn (Alb)
Start NPC:Guard Gannon
Catacombs expansion Required
Type:Mini Quest
Min Level:41
Max Level:43
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
Related NPCs:
  Afflicted Possessed Inconnu
  Manic Possessed Inconnu (Alb)
Last Updated:Tue Apr 14 03:13:42 2009
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

I received the Gift from Guard Gannon (Albion) quest from Guard Gannon in Albion's Deadlands of Annwn at 32.4K/9.3K. This mini-quest is listed for levels 41-43. I was at level 43 when I completed it.

Guard Gannon says, "Greetings, Briton. I am Guard Gannon, King Constantine's finest guard. What is your name, my friend?"

Guard Gannon says, "Pleased to meet you, (your name here). I am not sure what would bring you to this dreadful place, but it is your good fortune that you have come [along] and made my acquaintance."

Guard Gannon says, "You see (your name here), it gets dreadfully boring out here. I haven't much to occupy my time, at least none of the finer activities that one of my [stature] is accustomed too."

Guard Gannon says, "Yes, back in Camelot I bided my time with more regal activities, one being courting the ladies of the city. I am quite the nobleman after all, and the ladies need someone with class and social standing to escort them to the [parties]."

Guard Gannon says, "Ah yes, those were the times back then. I am afraid that I am losing my social graces being stationed with the more uncouth creatures here, human and [monster] alike."

Guard Gannon says, "I have noticed Landrana staring at me constantly lately....I mean after all, who wouldn't? She is mad about me I can tell. She is really not quite my type, but what better way to get back into my old activities than to grace her with my noble [presence]?"

Guard Gannon says, "I wish to brighten her day just by showing her that I realize that she exists. She will feel more enlightened in this dismal place, though I would never pursue anything with an armswoman, but just my acknowledging her will [brighten] her days and nights."

Guard Gannon says, "It is but a courtesy. She is not quite as polished and refined as I am accustomed to though. She is only an armswoman after all. To enighten this lady I will need to perform an act as a more uncouth [being]...."

Guard Gannon says, "Ah, I have just the thing...Slaying some of the vile creatures and returning a trophy to her to show my bravery and courage will make her see stars. What lady does not want a noble guard like myself fighting the [creatures] for her, eh?"

Guard Gannon says, "Now, I cannot put myself in harm's way. No, we cannot have that. Would you be willing to travel into the Deadlands and slay some creatures for some sort of trophy to help me [show] poor Landrana that Guard Gannon is aware of her presence?"

Will you slay creatures in the Deadlands to help Guard Gannon collect a trophy for Landrana? [Levels 41-43]
You have been given the Gift from Guard Gannon (Albion) quest.

[Step #1] Speak with Guard Gannon.

Guard Gannon says, "Wise choice indeed, (your name here). Travel out into the Deadlands to the south southwest of the guard post here, and find some manic or afflicted possessed inconnu. They can be found lurking near the crypts. Slay them until you [retrieve] a Possessed Inconnu Head."

Guard Gannon says, "That will certainly be proof enough to Landrana of what a brave guard I am. She will swoon in her plate from such a show of bravery. GO see her when you obtain the head and tell her it is a gift from Guard Gannon. Thank you, (your name here). Good hunting to you."

[Step #2] Search to the south southwest of the guard post in the Deadlands of Annwn for afflicted and manic possessed inconnu. Slay them until you obtain a Possessed Inconnu Head.
  • You receive the Possessed Inconnu Head from the manic possessed inconnu! (Found some to pull at 24.8K/26.1K in Deadlands).

  • [Step #3] Seek out Landrana at the guard post in the Deadlands of Annwn.

    Landrana says, "Hello, Briton. Do you need help with something?"

    [Step #3] Give Landrana the Possessed Inconnu Head.

    Landrana says, "Well, thank you...I think......You brought this head to me for what purpose?"

    [Step #3] Tell Landrana that the head is a [gift from Guard Gannon].

    Landrana says, "Ah, I would expect such a preposterous act from him. It figures that he sent someone like you to perform such a silly act vanity on his behalf. I have no time for his nonsense and ego. I pity you for wasting your time on such a petty mission, especially since this strange flirting is certainly not being reciprocated on my part. Please take this bit of money for your trouble. You did slay the vile creatures of the evil army, and that is proof enough to me of your noble intentions. May the light of Camelot shine upon you, Briton."

    You have completed the Gift from Guard Gannon (Albion) quest!
    You are awarded 540,000,000 experience!
    You are awarded 1 gold and some silver!

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