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The Tribute System was introduced with the Gates of Discord Expansion. Tribute Masters can be found throughout Norrath in the home cities of each race. Players can turn in items and coin to the Tribute Master to gain tribute (called favor in-game) points. These points can be used to purchase effects such as; HP/mana, stat, and resist increases, HP/mana regeneration, and various focus effects. Players can purchase upto five personal tribute effects and they can be upgraded at consecutive levels. The effects will run on a 10 minute timer that will refresh itself until the player turns off the tribute or runs out of tribute points.

A Guild Tribute system was later introduced and works in the same manner just except that each donation goes towards the entire guild favor point amount. A guild leader or officer can then activate effects that will benefit any and all guild members who have 'opted in' to the system

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Using Personal Tribute

First you must find the Tribute Master for your Race, and whichever City you prefer. Right-click on the Tribute Master to bring up the Tribute configuration windows. You can then donate items and/or platinum in exchange for banked Favor Points, as well as select which items you wish upgrade or downgrade for a total of five different items at whatever ranks you would like.

Once you have your items set as you would like them, you can bring up the Tribute Benefits window (Alt+U), and on the Personal tab, click Activate or Deactivate whenever you want.

Tribute works the same as worn items. So for cumulative worn effects, there may be a cap. This is for mostly mod2s, and see Samanna's Combat Effects page for these limits. One exception to the page, is worn HP Regen is capped at 35 up to level 65, then +2 more for every level above 65. So 35+60=95 for level 95. For non-cumulative effects like Haste and Focus effects, you only the get the best of the worn effects, but buffs will add with them. The exception, are things like vision and Enduring Breath. Worn + Effect you still only get the best one of any of those. If you're still having trouble with sticking and stacking of effects, try looking at Everquest Spell Data page.

Personal Tribute Effects

NOTE: Cells and/or rows shown in purple background are updates from the SoD expansion. Cells and/or rows shown in light sky blue background are updates from the HoT expansion. Cells and/or shown in orange background are updates from the Veil of Alaris expansion. Cells and/or shown in green background are updates from the Rain of Fear expansion.

Cost of each tier is under the tier columns.

Tribute Item Effect Description T1 lvl T2 lvl T3 lvl T4 lvl T5 lvl T6 lvl T7 lvl T8 lvl T9 lvl 10 lvl
Second Chance +2 Divine Save / Tier 47 40 80 55 100 70
Gills of the Bass Enduring Breath 10 20
Gift of the Enchanter Faerune 35 50
Sight of the Falcon See Invisible 10 20
Candlelight Vigil Ultravision 10 20
Rabbit's Song +2 Agi / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Symphony of the Rabbit +2 Agi Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90 ??? ??
Symphony of the Rabbit II 20+2 Agi Cap / Tier 170 95
Glowing Beauty +2 Cha / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Countenance of Ardor +2 Cha Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90 ??? ??
Countenance of Ardor II 20+2 Cha Cap / Tier 105 95
Juggler's Hands +2 Dex / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Juggler's Grace +2 Dex Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90
Juggler's Grace II 20+2 Dex Cap / Tier 130 95
Sage's Knowledge +2 Int / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Sage's Comprehension +2 Int Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90
Sage's Comprehension II 20+2 Int Cap / Tier 170 95
Body of the Brute +2 Sta / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Body of Divinity +2 Sta Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90
Body of Divinity II 20+2 Sta Cap / Tier 185 95
Arm of Strength +2 Str / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 50 90
Arm of Power +2 Str Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 131 90 151 95
Arm of Power II 20+2 Str Cap / Tier 170 95 190 100
Sage's Advice +2 Wis / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 ?? 90
Sage's Requital +2 Wis Cap / Tier 40 50 47 55 53 60 58 65 72 70 86 75 101 80 115 85 ??? 90
Sage's Requital II 20+2 Wis Cap / Tier 170 95
Bulwark of Honor +5 AC / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 13 40 27 50 40 60 47 70 80 80 100 90
Strength of Will +Total End. / Tier 1 10 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 50 90
Strength of Body +Total HPs / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 50 90
Strength of Mind +Total Mana / Tier 1 10 3 20 7 30 11 40 15 50 21 60 30 70 40 80 50 90
Visions of Suffering +1 Affliction Eff. Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Visions of Suffering II X+I Affliction Eff. Rank / Tier 130 95
Twinge of Pain +1 Affliction Haste / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Twinge of Pain II X+I Affliction Haste Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Suffering +1 Burning Affliction / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Suffering II X+I Burning Affliction Rank / Tier 130 95
Expeditious Aid +1 Enh. Haste Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Expeditious Aid II X+I Enh. Haste Rank / Tier 130 95
Persistent Boon +1 Ext. Enh. Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Persistent Boon II X+I Extended Enh. Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Sight +1 Ext. Range Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Sight II X+I Extended Reach Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Will +1 Imp. Dmg. Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Will II X+I Imp. Damage Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Recovery +1 Imp. Healing Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Recovery II X+I Imp. Healing Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Conservation +1 Mana Pres. Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Conservation II X+I Mana Pres. Rank / Tier 130 95
Power of Alacrity +1 Spell Haste Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Power of Alacrity II X+I Spell Haste Rank / Tier 130 95
Visions of Command +1 Sum. Eff. Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Visions of Command II X+I Sum. Eff. Rank / Tier 130 95
Commanding Presence +1 Sum. Haste Rank / Tier 5 20 12 40 20 50 28 60 36 65 54 70 66 75 79 80 93 85
Commanding Presence II X+I Sum. Haste Rank / Tier 130 95
Insulation +5 vs Cold / Tier 7 20 10 30 14 40 18 50 23 60 35 70 42 80 50 90
Antibody +5 vs Disease / Tier 7 20 10 30 14 40 18 50 23 60 35 70 42 80 50 90
Blazing Shield +5 vs Fire / Tier 7 20 10 30 14 40 18 50 23 60 35 70 42 80 50 90
Ethereal Protection +5 vs Magic / Tier 7 20 10 30 14 40 18 50 23 60 35 70 42 80 50 90
Antidote +5 vs Poison / Tier 7 20 10 30 14 40 18 50 23 60 35 70 42 80 50 90
Aura of Clarity +1 Mana Regen / Tier 5 20 12 30 20 40 29 50 37 60 56 70 86 80 145 90 165 95 195 100
Replenishing Body +2 HP Regen / Tier 5 20 12 30 20 40 79 50 37 60 56 70 68 80 80 90
Vengeful Aura +10 Attack / Tier 13 45 20 50 27 55 33 60 40 65 48 70
Eyes of the Hunter +15% Accuracy / Rank 35 60 53 65 79 70 113 75 155 80 205 85
Fury of Combat +2 Flurry Chance / Rank 40 55 47 60 53 65
Swift Arms 16% + 5% Haste / Tier 5 20 12 30 20 40 29 50 37 60 45 70
Concerto +2 All Instrument Mod / Tier 30 55 39 60 47 65
Harmony of Horns +2 Brass Mod / Tier 10 30 13 45 20 60
Harmony of Drums +2 Percussion Mod / Tier 10 30 13 45 20 60
Chorus +2 Singing Mod / Tier 10 30 13 45 20 60
Harmony of String +2 String Mod / Tier 10 30 13 45 20 60
Harmony of Wind +2 Wind Mod / Tier 10 30 13 45 20 60
Dance of the Hero +2 Heroic Agi / Tier 159 60 174 65 216 70 258 75 303 80 345 85 390 90 440 95 490 95 540 100
Ardor of the Hero +2 Heroic Cha / Tier 99 60 108 65 135 70 162 75 189 80 216 85 242 90 272 95 300 95 330 100
Hero's Deftness +2 Heroic Dex / Tier 120 60 129 65 162 70 192 75 225 80 258 85 292 90 330 95 370 95 410 100
Hero's Knowledge +2 Heroic Int / Tier 159 60 174 65 216 70 258 75 303 80 345 85 390 90 440 95 490 95 540 100
Body of the Hero +2 Heroic Sta / Tier 180 60 195 65 243 70 291 75 339 80 387 85 435 90 490 95 550 95 600 100
Arm of the Hero +2 Heroic Str / Tier 159 60 174 65 216 70 258 75 303 80 345 85 390 90 440 95 490 95 540 100
Hero's Advice +2 Heroic Wis / Tier 159 60 174 65 216 70 258 75 303 80 345 85 390 90

Tribute Item Values

This list is courtesy of Yther Ore's post on the topic. Thank you.


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-05-23 18:00:37.