The Apple's Kiss (Epic 2)
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different The Apple's Kiss Quest given by TNN trainer when you reach lvl 10 1. go talk to Torrance in Ardee. 2 he sends you to talk to the strange druid Aibhaill Treesworn (antlers, epic armor) who is off in the redwoods to the W of the road to DL at about 45.2, 38.3 (Note: Blademaster had to find Saille, he was located in the cluricaun camp south of the tomb, loc. 34819 45341 Connacht.) 3 he gives you an apple wand , Uibhaill P'og, and sends you of to dispatch Huathe, a newly-active irewood who is hiding SW of the north TNN gate. (Apples are apparently the only uncorrupted tree species after the evil druids had their way back when.) 4 go to the east TNN gate, loc=4734,15462 at 1700 hours, and head for the 3 birch trees in the distance. running through the little grove there eventually spawns Huathe. I ran up and down the entire zone east of the road for a long time before he popped, so maybe there's a time issue; in my case at 9:00 am. he spawned at about 17.5, 59.8, which is a little east of the birches; aggro but didn't jump me. blue to a 10, took him down easily (mana ment) (note from a druid: Aibhaill sent me to find a corrupted tree called Duir. I found him by a dead tree in the center of a grove of healthy trees near 54000, 15551 in Lough Derg.) (also seen at loc=18100, 59870 Connacht, also seen at loc=4807, 15465 Connacht at night game time) 5 recover his corrupted heartwood and bring it back to Torrance rewards: 33,792 exp + 1,280 for Huathe a little silver Rewards: Adept Belt -- Mentalist Student Belt -- Druid Stylist Belt -- Blademaster Rewards: |