21 creatures found in Demonic Prison (Mid)

Name Level Range Type Attack Type
Picture Included Accursed Imp (Mid) 45 - 50 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Bolehs (Mid) 50 - 50 Insect Unknown
Picture Included Chaosian Protector (Mid) 45 - 45 Demon Thrust
Picture Included Cursed Infernalist 35 - 50 Humanoid Unknown
No Picture Included Darkspawn (Mid) 45 - 50 Demon Unknown
No Picture Included Darkspawn Subjugator (Mid) 50 - 51 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Eternal Darkness (Mid) 50 - 51 Demon Unknown
No Picture Included Eternal Greed (Mid) 50 - 50 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Eternal Hate (Mid) 50 - 50 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Experienced Infernalist 34 - 36 Humanoid Unknown
Picture Included Guardian of Darkness (Mid) 45 - 50 Undead Thrust
Picture Included Guardian of Hate (Mid) 45 - 45 Undead Slash
Picture Included Hatespawn 45 - 45 Undead Unknown
Picture Included Infernal Thrall 43 - 45 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Keeper Iraeda 35 - 35 NPC N/A
Picture Included Oonalo (Mid) 35 - 35 Demon Unknown
Picture Included Rugak 50 - 50 Undead Crush
No Picture Included Seething Hatemonger (Mid) 45 - 50 Humanoid Unknown
Picture Included Vermin Packmaster (Mid) 45 - 45 Animal Unknown
Picture Included Vermin Swarmer (Mid) 42 - 42 Animal Unknown
No Picture Included Wicked Deamhaness (Mid) 43 - 45 Demon Unknown
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mob info
# May 12 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
accursed imp - blue-yellow at lvl 50 solo
- dropped a Belt of the Unyielding Champion

cursed infernalist - blue-yellow at lvl 50 solo
- dropped a Bracer of the Unyielding Champion

experienced infernalist - green-blue at lvl 50 solo

darkspawn - blue-yellow at 50 solo
- dropped a Bracer of the Unyielding Champion
- dropped a Ring of the Unyielding Champion

darkspawn subjugator - yellow-orange at lvl 50 solo, Eternal Darkness spawned 3 of these after death.

eternal darkness - orange at lvl 50 solo
- You receive the Ring of the Champion from Eternal Darkness

- dropped a Belt of the Unyielding Champion

infernal thrall - green-blue at lvl 50 solo

seething hatemonger
- dropped a Gem of the Unyielding Champion

wicked deamhaness - green-blue
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