Style Line: Critical Strike

Classes that can use Critical Strike: Infiltrator, Nightshade, Shadowblade

This rogue skill is shared by all three pure rogue classes. Training affects the maximum damage a rogue can do via their backstab styles, as well as damage variance.

Specing in this skill line also grants styles.
Level Name Prerequisite Attack Defense Fatigue Damage Effect
1 Puncture Defense None Low Bonus None Low High None
2 Backstab From Behind Target None None Low Low Stunned
4 Eviscerate Backstab Low Bonus Low Penalty Medium High Slowed
6 Kidney Rupture Eviscerate Low Bonus Medium Penalty Low High Bleeding
8 Pincer To side of target High Bonus High Penalty Medium High None
10 Backstab II Behind Target High Bonus Medium Penalty High High Stunned
12 Hamstring You evade Medium Bonus Medium Penalty Low High Bleeding
15 Thigh Cut Backstab II Medium Bonus Low Penalty Medium High None
18 Garrote None Medium Bonus Medium Penalty High High Hindered
21 Perforate Artery In front of target High Bonus Medium Penalty Medium High Bleeding
25 Achilles' Heel Garrote Medium Bonus None Medium High Slowed
29 Leaper Hamstring High Bonus Low Penalty Medium High Combat Speed Debuff
34 Creeping Death Perforate Artery High Bonus None Low High Stunned
39 Stunning Stab Creeping Death High Bonus Low Penalty Low High Bleeding
44 Rib Separation Leaper High Bonus None Low High Hindered
50 Ripper Rib Separation High Bonus Low Penalty Low High Bleeding

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