Style Line: Longbow

Classes that can use Longbow: Scout

The longbow was one of the most damaging ranged weapons available to armies.
Level Name Prerequisite Attack Defense Fatigue Damage Effect
3 Critical Shot I None 2.00x Normal Bonus None None None Increased Damage
6 Critical Shot II None 1.90x None None None None Increased Damage
9 Critical Shot III None 1.80x None None None None Increased Damage
12 Critical Shot IV None 1.70x None None None None Increased Damage
15 Critical Shot V None 1.60x None None None None Increased Damage
18 Critical Shot VI None 1.50x None None None None Increased Damage
21 Critical Shot VII None None None None None 1.4x Normal
24 Critical Shot VIII None 1.30x None None None None Increased Damage
27 Critical Shot IX None 1.20x None None None None Increased Damage
30 Penetrating Arrow I Normal Bonus None None None Chance to pen. bladeturn for 50% damage.
35 Rapid Fire I None Timer-based Bonus None None None Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
40 Penetrating Arrow II None Normal Bonus None None None Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 75% damage
45 Rapid Fire II None Timer-based Bonus None None None Release shot early; Damage % equal to Timer %
50 Penetrating Arrow III None Normal Bonus None None None Chance to penetrate bladeturn for 100% damage

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