I left when the level cap was 90, and decided I wanted to at least get a few jobs to 99 - my way of saying to myself I at least took FFXI the distance after 10 years.
So I returned. To my dismay, it seems that everyone already went ahead and got their 95 cap fight done with when I was gone - so I'm afraid I'm going to be waiting for a very long time for help with this. I don't have a LS as I just came back (nor do I have a lot of time for scheduled LS events, which is why I haven't actively been seeking another endgame shell).
Am I the only one who's having difficulty finding a bit of help with this fight? I give up on ever having the most uber gear in the game, but it'd be nice to at least play around with it for a while longer and try out some of the 99 armor/weapons. Until then, all I can do is reive, merit, and wait.
Oh, and hello again, brothers of Vana diel! Good to see you again :)