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Returning to Lakshmi after 5 yearsFollow

#1 Aug 08 2013 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
That's right, I am re-activating my account after 5 long years and returning to my home in the Lakshmi server. I will be recovering my character a week from today (payday) and plan on spending a lot of time catching up. The last time I logged in the game, was right after WoTG came out. The lvl cap was 75, I was a 75RDM main, 75BLM, 75 SMN, 60ish NIN and I also had other subjobs. My name was Brandur, in case any of you remember me.

If you guys have any advice or useful information for this old timer, I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, if anyone would be interested in a new friend in the game, send me a message!

Edited, Aug 8th 2013 9:32pm by jerryt
#2 Aug 11 2013 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
jerry this is Rodderick if I can find my ****. ill be back also after 5 years.
#3 Aug 11 2013 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
Great, hopefully we can catch up together.

You can recover your playonline ID and password from SE by going to

Creating a support ticket and then joining their chat is probably the easiest way. You will need the name, email, phone number, and address used for registration and they should be able to get you squared away.
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