Imperiled Wizard (Epic 3)
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Your trainer advises that Master Narudos wants to speak with you and awaits you in the Academy. He is upstairs in the middle bay window. Step 1: Master Narudos tells you Lauis sent word that he was very frightened and feared he did not have long to live unless help was sent. He says he's not sure where his exact location is but describes the same general area he was in last time. Step 2: Lauis tells you about following some hooded figure who was watching your last meeting with him. He stumbled onto a ritual by a sorceress who sent zombies after him. He managed to escape but thinks he was followed. Lauis hands you his journal and tells you to return to the Academy and give it to Master Narudos. The Sorceress appears and sends minions of zombies after Lauis. He begs you to help him. He dies no matter what. When you speak to Master Narudos he says some nice things about Lauis and asks for the journal. You receive the Elemental Bracer (Level 17), 409,600 XP, and 8 silver. Rewards: Elementalist Bracer -- Wizard Versesmith Bracer -- Minstrel Befuddler Bracer -- Sorcerer Rewards: |