The Shadow of War (Epic 2)  

Start Zone: Jordheim
Start Location:Temple of the Aesir
Start NPC:Visindakona Siv
Related Quests:
  Visions of Red (Epic 7)
  Let Sleeping Serpents Lie (Epic 9)
  Ragnarok Now (Epic 8)
  Whispers of Conflict (Epic 1)
  Armed and Dangerous (Epic 3)
  Blodfelag Jailbreak (Epic 4)
  Blodfelag Brouhaha (Epic 5)
  Caught Redhanded (Epic 6)
Related Zones:
  Svealand East
Min Level:10
Max Level:50
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
(Average from 2 ratings)
Related NPCs:
  Messenger Hound
Related Items:
  Bjorgnerfell's Message
Last Updated:Wed Feb 16 02:53:16 2011
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Brief Walkthrough:
1) Speak with Visindakona Siv at loc=23661,26482 Jordheim in the Temple of the Aesir.
2) Speak with Silvertone at loc=52592,17375 East Svealand in the tavern in Vasudheim. (- Silvertone's temp location during Dragon Campaign loc=62388 14358, East Svealand, near Jordhiem gates)
3) Kill a Messenger Hound headed west on the road from Vasudheim and Audliten.
4) Take Bjorgnerfell's Message back to Silvertone in Vasudheim.
5) Kill Bjorgnerfell at loc=39244,14289 East Svealand.
6) Return to Silvertone in Vasudheim.
7) Return to Visindakona Siv in Jordheim to receive your reward.

lvl 30 Warrior received 61,440 experience, 4 silver and a Yeoman Fighter Belt.

Quest Dialog:

Speak with Visindakona Siv at loc=23661,26482,8029 dir=343 Jordheim in the Temple of the Aesir.

Visindakona Siv says, "(Your name). It is good to see you again. My vision has grown difficult to see lately. It is as if a [shadow] has grown over everything."

Visindakona Siv says, "I have not been able to perceive anything about this shadow. I have an idea where you can [begin] to investigate this though."

Will you help Visindakona Siv to unravel the meaning of her visions? [Level 10]
You have been given the The Shadow of War (Epic 2) quest.

Visindakona Siv says, "In the town of Vasudheim there is a Skald named Silvertone. Silvertone has lived in Vasudheim for a long time now, and he knows much of the news and rumors from throughout Svealand. Something has troubled his mind lately. It is like a shadow that he cannot quite see. Ask him what it is, and help him to find its cause. He doesn't know you, or me, and may be a bit surprised when you approach him about this. Whatever you find, come back to me and tell me what occurred. May the gods speed your travels."

[Step #1] Speak to Silvertone. He can be found in the tavern on the West side of Vasudheim.
  • Silvertone is at loc=52592,17375,4629 dir=285 East Svealand Vasudheim

  • Silvertone says, "Greetings, traveler. What brings you to Vasudheim?"

    You ask Silvertone what has been troubling him lately.

    Silvertone says, "What! How do you know this, traveler? How do you know me? Are you some demon sent to torment my mind, or a [kind traveler] blessed with great insight?"

    Silvertone says, "I see. Well I have been troubled lately. There have been many rumors of unrest coming from West Svealand. But I think the real source of my worry is my [son], Nitram."

    Silvertone says, "He's a good lad, with a stout heart. But lately he has taken to spending a lot of time talking to a relative [newcomer] in our midst."

    Silvertone says, "The newcomer's name is Bjorgnerfell. He hangs around the outside of town most of the time, and seems eager to spend much of his time [talking] to the youth of Vasudheim."

    Silvertone says, "I don't know what he is talking to them about. Many of them seem quite taken with his ideas. None of the youth, including my own son, Nitram, will tell me anything about this stranger's purpose. If you [wish to] be of help, find out Bjorgnerfell's motives. "

    Silvertone says, "Your assistance is much appreciated. Bjorgnerfell is often approached by well trained warhounds. He gives these hounds scroll tubes to return to wherever they came from. He is obviously part of a larger [organization]."

    Silvertone says, "We have our suspicions, but intercepting one of those messages is the only way to know for sure. Head West of Vasudheim to find Bjorgnerfell. From there, patrol the road that heads West towards Audliten and intercept one of those messenger hounds. Make sure it is one that is heading West, back from Bjorgnerfell, so it will be carrying one of his messages. If you do recover one of his messages, please return it to me right away."

    [Step #2] Kill a messenger hound to get Bjorgnerfell's Message. They can be found traveling the road between Audliten and Vasudheim. Only ones that have already been to Bjorgnerfell will have a message.
  • Kill a Messenger Hound headed west on the road from Vasudheim and Audliten.

  • The messenger hound dies!
    You receive Bjorgnerfell's Message from the messenger hound!
    You recover a message from the hound!

    [Step #3] Give Bjorgnerfell's Message to Silvertone in Vasudheim.

    Silvertone says, "There you are! Did you find anything?"

    Silvertone reads the message.

    Silvertone says, "He is Blodfelag! A cursed Blodfelag recruiter in our midst! This is terrible. He is perverting the minds of our youth, and turning our sons against us. He must be stopped. I'm not sure exactly what fate brought you here at this precise time, but it is clear that you are here to save Vasudheim. Go now and cut him down. Return to me when you are done."

    [Step #4] Kill Bjorgnerfell. He can be found to the West of Vasudheim, near a remote house.
  • Bjorgnerfell is at loc=39244,14289,4624 dir=230 East Svealand.

  • Bjorgnerfell says, "Now you die!"
    Bjorgnerfell says, "The Blodfelag will rule Midgard!"
    Bjorgnerfell dies!

    [Step #5] Return to Silvertone in Vasudheim to tell him that Bjorgnerfell is dead.

    Silvertone says, "(Your name). [It is done] then?"

    Silvertone says, "That is a great relief to me. This matter gives new light to the rumors that the [Blodfelag] are trying to aggressively expand their base of power."

    Silvertone says, "The Blodfelag have been of great service to Midgard in the realm war. They have not tried to expand their holdings outside of West Svealand, and contributed good fighters to our cause. Their beliefs that Norsemen should not cooperate in any manner with other races has not been much of a problem while they kept to their own affairs. That seems to be changing [now]. "

    Silvertone says, "Thanks again for your timely, and somewhat mystical arrival, (Your name). I will have to make a story about your deeds. Bragi speed your travels."

    [Step #6] Return to Visindakona Siv in Jordheim, to report what has happened.

    Visindakona Siv says, "Greetings, (Your name). It is good to see you again. Tell me, what did you find out?"

    You tell Visindakona Siv about the Blodfelag Recruiter, his messages, and his death.

    Visindakona Siv says, "Wars are always preceded by the recruiting of soldiers to fight them. Twice now we have seen that the Blodfelag are trying to gather numbers. They have even been doing this far outside their normal territory. [Perhaps] that is what the shadow in my vision is: the shadow of war."

    Visindakona Siv says, "I'm not sure why, but I feel as if the shadow is not the blodfelag, but something behind them. This is something we will have to investigate further when the opportunity arises. Here is a token of thanks from the Council of Gothi. I will send word for you again when you are more experienced. May you live to see that day, brave Warrior."

    You receive the Yeoman Fighter Belt from Visindakona Siv!
    You are awarded 61,440 experience!
    You are awarded 4 silver and some copper!
    You have completed the The Shadow of War (Epic 2) quest!

    lvl 10 received 33,792 experience.
    lvl 30 received 61,440 experience

    Yeoman Fighter Belt -- Warrior
    Apprentice of Kelgor Belt -- Savage
    Ursine Seeker Belt -- Berserker
    Shadowed Seeker Belt --Hunter
    Stone Palm Belt -- Mauler

      Shadowed Seeker Belt
      Apprentice of Kelgor Belt
      Ursine Seeker Belt
      Yeoman Fighter Belt
      Stone Palm Belt

    Post Comment
    new loc for silvertone
    # Jun 24 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
    new loc for silvertone: 62388 14358
    The Shadow of War (Epic 2)
    # Oct 16 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Although I'm a lvl 20 Huntress when I completeed this quest it was time consuming. With that said, the loc of this quest I found @ 22018, 13464. Killed 7 hounds that was traveling West to East no message found, on the 8th one I decided to let it go. Spawned in about 4 min coming East to West killed it received the message. So if your doing this quest you might want to let it run by you from West to East and wait for it to come back just make sure your looking on North side of roa on it's return.
    The Shadow of War (Epic 2)
    # Sep 10 2006 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
    169 posts
    Level 10 Hunter was rewarded 33,792 experience, 4 silver, and the Shadowed Seeker Belt.
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