Tomte Tide (Epic 4)
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different
Per patch 1.93 (4.02.08)
- Tomte Tide (Epic 4) - The directions given for step 3 of this quest have been changed to be more accurate.
Brief Walkthrough:
1) Speak with Visindakona Magna, loc=23751,26644 inside the Temple of the Aesir in Jordheim.
2) Speak with Viking Windjammer, loc=15271,53650 next to the southwest tower in East Svealand.
3) Go to loc=13105,40767 East Svealand and use the Salve of Seelie Desire, you will turn into a female lurikeen.
4) Approach Admiral Maeto, who is surrounded by 4 tomte commando's, run up to him and click on him.
5) Lead the tomtes to past the last tree on the penninsula tip between the river forks in East Svealand, loc= loc=21374,46680 East Svealand.
6) /Use the Draught of Unseelie Dread
7) Return to the Viking Windjammer and talk to him.
8) Return to Visindakona Magna in Jordheim to receive your reward.
lvl 49 Thane received 4,587,520 experience, 26 silver and Fervent Cloak.
Quest Dialog:
You can first speak with your class trainer or just talk to Visindakona Magna is at loc=23751,26644,8028 dir=253 inside the Temple of the Aesir in Jordheim, to begin this quest.
Visindakona Magna says, "I knew you would return soon. It is good to see you, brave Thane. I have something important of which [to inform you]."
Visindakona Magna says, "Your work against the vicious tomte has been commendable, (your name)! We must remain ever vigilant, however! I have been informed that even now the tomte are massing yet another division of militants, this time to threaten us by sea!"
Will you stem the Tomte tide? [Level 20]
You have been given the Tomte Tide (Epic 4) quest.
Visindakona Magna says, "Consult the Viking Windjammer near the south tower in East Svealand to forge a plan to deal with this terrible new threat!"
[Step #1] Talk to the Viking Windjammer at the southwest tower in East Svealand on your map.
Viking Windjammer is at loc=15271,53650,4757 dir=83 East Svealand
Viking Windjammer says, "Ahoy, Thane! What is that you say? Lady Magna has had another vision? Well, well, more tomte shenanigans, eh? Must be that self proclaimed Admiral Maeto at the top river fork just north of here that is scheming this up. That tomte is no more an admiral than I am a dwarven pony! Listen here and I'll [share the plan] to sink his ambitions like a dinghy on a dire reef!"
Viking Windjammer says, "Here, take these two potions I got from raiding a Hibernian trade galleon. The first is a salve of seelie desire. Use that when you get near Maeto and his ankle biter brigade and they will see you as whatever they desire most. The second potion is a draught of unseelie dread. Lure Maeto and his band to the peninsula just south of the cove he is practicing in and then use it. He and the other tomte will see you as whatever they most fear. That ought to send them screaming off the tip of that peninsula and into the fierce river current that will whisk them out to sea. There shouldn't be but a few that stand and fight and that won't be any problem for a stalwart adventurer like you, right?"
You receive the Salve of Seelie Desire from Viking Windjammer!
You receive the Draught of Unseelie Dread from Viking Windjammer!
[Step #2] Use the salve of seelie desire near Admiral Maeto to lure him to you. (right click and type /use to use.
At loc=13105,40767,4381 dir=352 East Svealand you will get a pop-up box telling you to "Use the salve now." Use the salve and you will turn into a female lurikeen. Admiral Maeto is straight ahead, surrounded by 4 tomte commando's, run up to him and click on him.
You use the Salve of Seelie Desire.
The Admiral Maeto says, "Barnacles and bilgewater, if yer not the prettiest thing I've ever spied! I'd follow ye anywhere with a wind in me sail and a twinkle in me eyes!"
[Step #3] Lure the tomtes past the last tree on the peninsula tip between the river forks in East Svealand.
Take the tomtes to loc=21374,46680,4603 dir=29 East Svealand, when you get there you will get a pop-up telling you to "Use the draught now."
[Step #4] Use the draught of unseelie dread near Admiral Maeto to scare him into the river. (right click and type /use to use)
You use the Draught of Unseelie Dread. (you morph into an ugly beast)
The Admiral Maeto says, "CEEERIPES! Jump ship, laddies! Jump ship!"
[Step #5] Tell the Viking Windjammer that the tomtes are finished.
Viking Windjammer says, "So, did you give those pointy-topped pipsqueaks the plunge? I would have loved to have seen them all rushing out to sea like sharp headed fishing bobbers! Go give Magna the good news!"
[Step #6] Return to Visindakona Magna to get your reward.
Visindakona Magna says, "Hail, great Thane! Many thanks for aiding Midgard in its darkest hour! I only pray that our actions have stemmed the tide of the horrible tomte menace. Take this and use it proudly as thanks for your cunning aid!"
You are awarded 4,587,520 experience!
You are awarded 26 silver and some copper!
You receive the Fervent Cloak from Visindakona Magna!
You have completed the Tomte Tide (Epic 4) quest!
Fervent Cloak -- Thane
Apprentice Shieldmaiden Cloak -- Valkyrie
Stoneteller Cloak -- Runemaster
Rewards: Apprentice Shieldmaiden Cloak
Fervent Cloak
Stoneteller Cloak