Thursday October 27, 2011

DAoC Update

New Albion Spells: Bounty of the ArchangelArchangel's ApportioningAcuity of the CongregationBenefit of the ArchangelArchangel's AllotmentAcuity of the CouncilHand of GodDeftness IrruptDeftness UsurpEndowment DispossessEndowment SeizeBrawn UnlooseBrawn AppropriateEmbodiment BanishEmbodiment AnnexAdroitness EradicateAdroitness CommandeerPiety BouncePiety Sequester
New Hibernia Spells: Heat ChainsHeat LockHeat ClampHeat WebHeat NetHeat SnareNull StrengthVitiate StrengthVoid StrengthAbrogate StrengthUnmake StrengthNegate StrengthCancel Strength

Updated Albion Spells: Trial By FireTest of FaithStrength From AdversityMercybringerPurifying StrengthRefiner's StrengthSpiritual BarrierSpiritual GuardSpiritual ShieldEnergy BarrierEnergy GuardEnergy ShieldBarrier of HealthGuard of HealthShield of HealthAcuity of the MagiAcuity of the SageAcuity of the ProphetAcuity of the SeerHeavenly InfusionRevitalizationRegenerationRenewalCoordination of the ArchangelAgility of the ArchangelDexterity of the ArchangelAngelic CoordinationAngelic AgilityAngelic DexterityArchangel's MightArchangel's PowerArchangel's PotencyArchangel's StrengthAngelic PowerAngelic PotencyAngelic StrengthBlessed ShieldHoly BarrierHoly GuardHoly ShieldBlessed BarrierBlessed Guard
Updated Hibernia Spells: Major Ethereal DevastationEthereal DevastationMajor Ethereal ExplosionEthereal ExplosionMajor Ethereal DetonationEthereal DetonationMajor Ethereal BlastEthereal BlastMajor Ethereal ConcussionEthereal ConcussionVoid AbyssVoid ChasmVoid GulfVoid FissureVoid RiftVoid RentVoid CleaveVoid BreakVoid GapVoid Slit


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