Thursday, January 8, 2004

Today's update not only includes what you see below, but the bestiary section as well received a healthy dose of new images (over 160!) and new mobs. Thank you Kailikor, Mascagni, and Groma for your submissions today, and a special thanks to Airmodana for sending in 75+ images of the mobs you can find in and around the Midgard Zone of Gotar! New Albion Items: Gloves of the Restored SoulDuskwood Fortifying Benthic Long BowArcanium Fortifying Benthic Spiked FlailArcanium Benthic StilettoDuskwood Fortifying Tempestuous Long BowArcanium Fortifying Pyroclasmic FalchionArcanium Exceptional WhipArcanium Fortifying Pyroclasmic Militaray ForkArcanium Benthic Short SwordDuskwood Fortifying Pyroclasmic Long BowArcanium Benthic Military ForkDuskwood Tempestuous Magus Staff (Alb)
New Midgard Items: Arcanium Qebehsenuef's Shield of Dread (Mid)Arcanium Smoldering Ember Sleeves (Mid)Duskwood Benthic Composite BowDuskwood Benthic Magus Staff (Mid)Arcanium Fortifying Tempestuous War HammerArcanium Benthic Great Club
New Hibernia Items: Transmutated BandVirulent Darkend SpearArcanite War Adze of the GaleArcanite Fortifying Pyroclasmic War AdzeArcanite Fortifying Lithic AdzeArcanite Fortifying Lithic War AdzeArcanite Exceptional Battle SpearArcanite Fortifying Tempestuous War Adze

New & Updated Recipes: Duskwood Benthic Composite BowDuskwood Benthic Magus Staff (Mid)Duskwood Fortifying Benthic Long BowArcanium Fortifying Benthic Spiked FlailArcanium Benthic StilettoArcanite Fortifying Pyroclasmic War AdzeDuskwood Fortifying Tempestuous Long BowArcanite Fortifying Lithic War AdzeArcanium Fortifying Tempestuous War HammerArcanium Fortifying Pyroclasmic Militaray ForkArcanite Fortifying Lithic AdzeArcanium Benthic Short SwordDuskwood Fortifying Pyroclasmic Long BowFortifying Arcanium Lithic Pick FlailArcanium Exceptional WhipArcanium Benthic Military ForkDuskwood Fortifying Benthic Recurve BowDuskwood Tempestuous Magus Staff (Alb)Arcanium Benthic Great ClubArcanium Fortifying Pyroclasmic FalchionArcanite Fortifying Tempestuous War AdzeArcanium Benthic War AxeArcanite Fortifying Benthic Battle SpearArcanite Exceptional Battle SpearArcanite Fortifying Tempestuous Great SwordArcanium Fortifying Tempestous War Hammer

Updated Albion Items: Shimmering Cured Drakoran Tail and SpineAvalonian Enchanted HeartwoodArcanium Exceptional ChainArcanium Exceptional StilettoDuskwood Exceptional Magus Staff (Alb)Duskwood Exceptional LongbowArcanium Exceptional Short SwordArcanium Exceptional Partisan
Updated Midgard Items: Forged Darksteel Pick HammerForged Darksteel Runic StaffChillsome Icebound LeggingsSand-Edged Troll AxeDuskwood Exceptional Composite BowArcanium Exceptional HatchetArcanium Exceptional Pick HammerArcanium Exceptional Great Hammer (Mid)
Updated Hibernia Items: The Golden Spear (Hib)Arcanite Exceptional Great SwordArcanite Exceptional RapierArcanite Exceptional Stiletto
Updated All Items: Calabar BeanCarrion Drake SalivaDeadly NightshadeAdder VenomCommon MonkshoodSea Snake VenomCrushed Plague Rat FleasHemlockYew LeavesCoral Snake VenomHenbaneNarcissusRat SalivaDistilled Anemone VenomAutumn CrocusCaster Oil PlantBlack Widow VenomPeonyPoppy SeedBat SalivaLatrodectus Spider VenomEuropean Spider VenomOleanderButtercupDistilled Wasp VenomCherry LaurelPotato ExtractDistilled Soricidae VenomCrushed MaggotsFoxglovePoison IvyDistilled Honey Bee VenomBlood AlbumenHevea Tree ExtractBone Salve ExtractRotted Flaxseed ExtractThin Glass VialThin Metal VialCeramic VialCrystal VialPacket of Crushed GlassFlask of WaterEnchanted Black DustPurple Wode ExtractCrushed Sea SlugsCrushed KermesPrepared Devil's BitBoiled Bog MireCrushed MurexSpindleFermented Wode Leaf ExtractBlack Thorn RootElder BerriesLichensElder BarkDeadly NihtscadaCrotal LichenAged Fermented Wode ExtractWeld and NettlesYellow Iris RootsDanesweedSt. John's WortFermented Wode LeavesBoiled HeathDiluted Fermented Wode LeavesSorrel RootFermented Devil's BitCrumpled Bracken BudsSassafras ExtractCrushed Walnut HullsCrushed WeldCrushed Sassafras LeavesCrushed Juniper BerriesCrushed Marigold BlossomDiluted Sassafras Leaf ExtractMeadowsweetGround TeaGround GrassGround Red CabbageGround Dandelion RootCloisonneTartaric AcidAlumThin Metal FlaskCeramic FlaskCrystal FlaskGlass FlaskSpellcraft KitMystic EnergyGiant BloodOther Worldly DustFairy DustUnseelie DustBloodied Battlefield DirtEssence of LifeGround Draconic ScalesFrost from a WastelandUndead Ash and Holy WaterHeat from an Unearthly PyreLeviathan BloodAir Elemental EssenceSwamp FogTreant BloodDraconic FireSun LightUm GemOn GemPal GemRos GemZo GemRa GemLo GemEe GemMon GemKath GemAncient Crushed Focus StoneTorch of InnovationDust of CreationCauldron of Vivifying WaterVial of Heavenly Breezes


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Equipment Search
# Jan 15 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
Some of the items that are already entered into your data base are not coming up in searches specific to their abilities or stats.

Example: When I go to equip search and do a search for items that offer additional melee speed, only 3 items come up. There should be way more than that coming up. I know Bracer of Rain is already in this DB and it has a 10% bonus to melee speed, but doesn't come up on a melee speed search....I know this can't be an easy thing to manage but just wanted to let you know that it seems a little broken...

Best Regards!!!

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