1.87 patch changes

Restriction Removal

  • Characters can now skill up completely in any tradeskill. The system of primary and secondary tradeskills (where secondary tradeskills were capped according to the current skill amount the primary tradeskill) has been removed.
  • Tradeskills no longer have class restrictions. A character can choose any tradeskill.
  • Characters can now have multiple tradeskills. To pick up a tradeskill a character does not have, speak to the tradeskill trainer. Please note that there is no limit to the amount of tradeskills a character can have. Your character can now choose and skill up in all of them.

Skill Increase Changes

  • Skill increase chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
  • You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on red con recipes.
  • You will have a 55% chance to receive a skill increase on orange con recipes.
  • You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on yellow con recipes.
  • You will have a 30% chance to receive a skill increase on blue con recipes.
  • You will have a 15% chance to receive a skill increase on green con recipes.
  • You will not be able to receive skill increases on grey con recipes.

Failure Changes

  • Critical failures have been removed from the tradeskill system. You will no longer lose craft ingredients upon failing to craft an object.
  • Failure chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
  • You will have a 32% chance to fail on red con recipes.
  • You will have a 16% chance to fail on orange con recipes.
  • You will have an 8% chance to fail on yellow con recipes.
  • You will not be able to fail on blue, green, or grey con recipes.

Time to Craft Changes

  • Craft times on recipes are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
  • Grey con recipes will take only 40% of the normal craft time.
  • Green con recipes will take only 60% of the normal craft time.
  • Blue con recipes will take only 80% of the normal craft time.
  • Yellow, Orange, and Red con recipes will take the normal craft time.

Quality Changes

  • The minimum crafted quality is now 96%. Crafters will now have, roughly, a 24% chance to craft an item that is 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% quality.
  • Masterpiece (100% quality) chance has not been changed.


  • The overcharge system has been changed so that the quality of spellcraft gems are no longer used to determine the success or failure of an overcharge. Overcharge success or failure now relies solely upon the quality of the object being spellcrafted, the number of points overcharged, and the skill level of the spellcrafter.
  • At 1000 skill, a spellcrafter has a 10% chance to critically fail a 5 point overcharge on a 100% quality item.
  • Critical failures are now defined as failures in which the spellcrafter explodes and spellcraft gems used are destroyed. The item being spellcrafted is no longer destroyed with a critical failure.


  • The bonus to regeneration while standing out of combat has been greatly increased. The amount of ticks a player receives while standing has been doubled and it will now match the bonus to regeneration while sitting. Players will no longer need to sit to regenerate faster.
  • While in combat, health and power regeneration ticks will happen twice as often.
  • Each tick of health and power is now twice as effective.
  • All health and power regeneration aids are now twice as effective.
  • Fatigue now regenerates at the standing rate while moving.


  • A character's chance to block will no longer be penalized when facing a character who is dual wielding.


  • A character's chance to Parry will no longer be penalized when facing a character who is wielding a two handed weapon.
  • The penalty to parry when facing multiple attackers has been greatly reduced.


  • A character's chance to evade will no longer be penalized when facing a character who is dual wielding.