Category:Akarios Village (Aion Mobs by Place)  

by Place
The mobs listed below can all be found in the immediate area of Akarios Village.

This page last modified 2009-07-07 21:53:43.

Articles in category "Akarios Village (Aion Mobs by Place)"

There are 18 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Ager (Aion Mob) Amus (Aion Mob) Asteros (Aion Mob)
Auron (Aion Mob) Baevrunerk (Aion Mob) Daines (Aion Mob)
Esera (Aion Mob) Fulla - Elyos (Aion Mob) Gilden (Aion Mob)
Kagas (Aion Mob) Kalio (Aion Mob) Kunandes (Aion Mob)
Kustanon (Aion Mob) Minalinerk (Aion Mob) Mune (Aion Mob)
Polinia (Aion Mob) Seril (Aion Mob) Uno (Aion Mob)