Category:General Goods (Aion Merchant Type)  

All General Goods Merchants should have the following items for sale. Some items may not be visible to you, or disabled, due to your current level or the level range of the zone the merchant is found in. Any items the merchant sells that are not included in this list should be noted on the merchant's Mob page.
Minor Power Shard
250 Kinah for 50
Extraction Tools
1,234 Kinah
100 Kinah for 100
Elyos Small Kisk Summoning Stone
37,026 Kinah
Lesser Power Shard
850 Kinah for 50
Lesser Odella Powder
170 Kinah for 10
Regular Power Shard
2,650 Kinah for 50
Regular Odella Powder
360 Kinah for 10
Elemental Stone of Resurrection
1,234 Kinah
Greater Power Shard
5,150 Kinah for 50
Prices are based on observed in-game prices and may vary based on such things as your current Influence

Fine Odella Powder
530 Kinah for 10
Quality Power Shard
8,850 Kinah for 50
Quality Odella Powder
790 Kinah for 10
Prices are based on observed in-game prices and may vary based on such things as your current Influence

Note that actual prices may vary slightly, depending on your Influence Ration.

Some General Good Merchants also sell Job Supplies, which can be found on the Job Supply Merchant page.

This page last modified 2009-09-23 15:32:45.

Articles in category "General Goods (Aion Merchant Type)"

There are 39 articles in this category.
