Category:BMG (Defiance Item Type)  

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Item Types

For a list of Hotshot missions that reward a BMG Mod Cache, see Category:BMG (Defiance Mod Cache Type).

BMGs do not use ammo but must still "recharge" when depleted. When idle the BMG will begin to "recharge" on it's own, like shields, or you may press R to Reload immediately. Alt effect indicates what the BMG does when Aim-mode is used. Aim and Fire pressed together will not do both.

"Allies" includes the user and his group (so long as they are in Link Range. "Friendlies" includes all friendly players within Link Range.

Holding Fire for too long will overheat the BMG and shut it off for several seconds while it cools. Heating is indicated by the black ellipses on the side of the firing reticule turning red. If you pulse the Fire button it cools instantly, so long as it has not overheated and shut down, but then you have a delay before the Link re-engages.

NOTE: When you have a BMG selected, and only then, you will see the Health and Shield status of any friendly you point at if in range.


  • BM-4 Stingray: - Links to other targets quickly but runs out of energy fast
  • Mag-Collider: - Drains life and shields of enemies. Alt effect: Recharges life and shields of allies.
  • Spanner: - Drains life and shields of enemies. Alt effect: Recharges life of friendlies.
  • Spanner Protector: - Drains life and shields of enemies. Alt effect: Shields friendlies reducing damage taken.
  • Spanner Trapper: - Drains life and shields of enemies, slows affected targets when used offensively
  • Tele-Spanner: - Extended range but does not link to adjacent targets

This page last modified 2013-05-08 01:00:37.

Articles in category "BMG (Defiance Item Type)"

There are 2 articles in this category.
