Company War (CoS)  

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When Registration opens, any company member may click Join to sign your company up to participate in Company War. The first round will begin as soon as the Registration timer expires.

If more than 16 companies sign up for Company War there will be an Elimination Round between randomly-chosen companies. This will continue until the total number of surviving companies is less than 16.

Each round last eight minutes, with a one minute rest between rounds.

Siege of the Spires

You cannot mount a vehicle while inside Company War but, if you mount up before it starts, you can use it until you fire a shot.

Destroying structures (gems, gun towers) increases your Structures Bonus, which multiplies the total points you gain from damage to players and structures.

Destroying the gems unlocks the teleport pads in your base, which can take you quickly to the left or right paths near your enemies base. Each gem destroyed adds 25% to your Structures Bonus.

All players receive a debuff in Company war. Destroying the other team's Guardian removes the debuff from your team for a time but the Guardian will respawn.

Be careful not to shoot the enemies core while the force shield is active! This reflects 100% of the damage back at you!

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City of Steam
Destroying all three gun towers at your enemies base removes the shield surrounding their core. Destroying the core ends the war instantly and accords the win to your side regardless of the point score. Each gun destroyed adds 50% to your Structures Bonus.

If neither side succeeds in destroying the enemies core, the win goes to the side with the most total points when time expires.

There is one First Place, one Second Place, and two Third Places.



Winning a Company War does more than just give you bragging rights. The merchants of the zone you "conquered" will owe you "rent" each day for the week you hold that zone. So if you win on a Monday, the merchants of The Refuge will pay you 30000Shilling , Valor Points x30, a Level 1 Mod Box and a 500 Merc Exp Book each day. You must open the Company UI, select the War tab, then click on Claim to receive your tribute.

The down side of this is, for each zone you hold, you collect a debuff during subsequent Company Wars. This debuff is cumulative and helps to make sure no one Company captures all seven zones.

Attention, Citizens! Rampaging Brood have damaged this portion of the Libre Arcanum. Your assistance is therefore commanded to recover this datum (free ZAM account required)! That is all. For the Paragons!

This page last modified 2014-08-08 00:51:58.