EQ2 Zone:Hua Mein Retreat  

Player Housing
Freeport Gorowyn Kelethin Maj'Dul Neriak New Halas Prestige Qeynos

The deed to this prestige home is available on the Marketplace as of April 10, 2013. It has a default item count of 800. The home encompasses the entire Hua Mein Village in Sundered Frontier.

Breakout Coordinates:

  • -124.46, 227.02, 3439.57 (wasteland outside of the Hua Mein village)
  • 179.60, 588.71, 4199.57 (plateau above and south the village)
  • -605.37, 498.76, 3048.22 (plateau above the village waterfall)
  • 272.94, 261.60, 4584.47 (lower plateau cliff)
  • 728.79, 46.96, 4445.05 (lower plateau cliff)
  • -539.45, 365.78, 2338.13 and -761.34, 437.75, 1977.08 (start of vines)
  • -673.61, 990.71, 654.12 (end of the vines)
    • The rock next to it is -703.34, 1008, 620.59
  • -737.59, 332.52, 1898.96 (small cliff on the lower part of the vines "purple haze")
  • -741.09, 91.72, 1660.05 (small jut in the rock below the vines)
  • -1248.33, 1104.90, 2200.85 (mountain peak north of the plateau)
  • -1231.47, 683.89, 1779.29 (lower rock shelf north of mountain peak)
  • -990.92, -326.89, 1689.47 (lowest reaching vine--you WILL die at the very end tip of it)

ZAM would like to thank Makya of Everfrost for for use of their house to obtain breakout coordinates.

Categories: EQ2 Zones | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2013-04-10 16:52:18.