EQ:Selo's Kick  

Quick Facts
Selo's Kick

Type: Active
Macro: /alt activate 8205
Expansion: Underfoot
Total AA: 96
Cooldown: 00:00:08
Classes: Bard



This ability, when activated, will allow you to execute a very suprising attack with your foot. Additional ranks increase the power of your strike.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionEffect Prerequisites
1 5 85 Underfoot 16791 Flurry 1

2 7 85 Underfoot 16792

3 9 85 Underfoot 16793

4 9 86 House of Thule 23650

5 12 88 House of Thule 23651

6 15 90 House of Thule 23652

7 11 91 Veil of Alaris 30766 Knowledge of Alaran Culture - Advanced 1

8 13 93 Veil of Alaris 30767

9 15 95 Veil of Alaris 30768

10 12 96 Rain of Fear 37065

11 15 98 Rain of Fear 37066

12 18 100 Rain of Fear 37067

This page last modified 2013-12-27 00:06:50.