Food for Thought Spoilers  

The following are transcripts for the quest Food for Thought.

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Kerutoto : This room's the Rhinostery's meditation chamber. Say, I wonder how the manic work's going in the higgledy-piggledy laboratory next door.

Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Uh, excuse my tummy-grumbles.
I'm utterly famished.
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : But now is the critical point that will decide whether this project is a success or a total failure.
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : I can't take my eyes off my work, so I can't move right now. Why, I can't even afford to sleep!
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Oooh... But I'm so hungry!
I feel like I'm starving to death...
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Aagh! Nothing's left from the food I prepared in advance.

Kenapa-Keppa :
Kenapa-Keppa :
Kenapa-Keppa : Cause...we...always...
Kenapa-Keppa :

Offer & Acceptance

Kerutoto : This room's the Rhinostery's meditation chamber. Say, I wonder how the manic work's going in the higgledy-piggledy laboratory next door.
Kerutoto : Huh? Their food supplies have run out so they say they're starving to death? Silly fools!
Kerutoto : Well, I've only just woke up, so I'm not going out to buy them anything.
Kerutoto : Why don't you go pick us up something, or even better, cook us up something? It should be an easy task for an adventurer such as you. Come on, show us what you're made of.

Do a food run?

  • Well, okay...
  • No way!

Kerutoto : Good, good! Thank you, finally.
Very well, then...
Kerutoto : I'll have a slice of grilled hare! They're so finger-lickingly scrumptious.
Kerutoto : Be sure to ask the lab staff for their orders before you go. I'm sure they'll be most happy.

Ohbiru-Dohbiru : You volunteered to go buy us some food?
Why, that's most kind of you!
What a godsend!
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Well, as for me...
I'll have a cup of Windurstian tea and a clump of Pamtam kelp...
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Oh, and I'll have a side order of a tortilla with that. Did you get all that?

Kenapa-Keppa : My...order...?

Kenapa-Keppa : ...?

Kenapa-Keppa : A...


Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Hey! These look good! I'm glad I managed to keep waiting!
Ohbiru-Dohbiru : Thanks...
Take this for your troubles...

Kerutoto : That's it! Great!
I just love these...
Kerutoto : I bet it was hard to come by! Here... I'll add a big tip to the price of the food to show you my appreciation.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-11-15 03:06:18.