Mentoring (Aion)  

Mentoring allows a higher-level player to assist a lower-level player with a quest or task without harming the lower-level players XP gain or chance to get good drops. The Mentor must be at least 10 levels above the player they want to mentor.

There are a number of commands that are of direct use in finding or becoming a Mentor.

/Start Mentoring
If you are already grouped with a lower-level player you wish to mentor, use this to begin mentoring.

/End Mentoring
Just like it says.

/Recruit Mentor your text here
Posts a message to the LFG channel (/3) with a link that possible mentors can click to join your group as a Mentor.

/Apply as Mentor your text here
Posts a message to the LFG channel (/3) with a link that players can click to invite you to mentor them.

Category: Aion
This page last modified 2012-05-13 01:59:35.