Orcs - The First Race (VG)  

Found in a small Ruin in the lower regions of Kojan this leather bound and obviously old book has been begun to be read and understood.

The Wargods who had made everything, needed something to do so they made the lands. They made the water, the rocks, the trees, and the animals. They made the animals so they could eat and kill things. Many days the Wargods killed and ate and came to the lands to understand what they had made but they did not love it like before. They said they needed something new to make so they made the Orcs.

The Wargods made the Orcs strong so they could kill and eat the animals of the lands. The Orcs learned the lands, the animals and how to live with the lands. The Wargods saw how the orcs lived and were happy.

Many days go by and the Orcs Grew. They moved to new places and learned more of the lands. They learned what animals could be ate and which ones could be used for clothes and to do work. The Orcs grew more.

Soon there were many Orcs and they had to kill the same animals to live. Then one day two Orc hunting/war parties try to kill the same animal and then had to kill other Orcs to live because there was not enough animals. The Wargods saw this and did not like.

One clan of Orcs that lived in the lands called Kojan grew to be many Orcs. One hunter/warrior in the clan could kill every animal he wanted and he gave lots of food to the clan so they made him Warboss and he named the clan Olag Hai. He was Warboss for many days but he got old. One day a young hunter/warrior told him that he was to old and that the young Orc should be Warboss. The old Warboss said to him that if the young orc thought that, he had to kill him to be Warboss. The two Orcs fought for many days! At last the young Orc said that he could kill the old Warboss. The Warboss, he was smart so he said that the young orc had to leave the clan.

The day the young orc left the clan but took many other young orcs. They went to a land they called Thestran. The young orc made his clan learn the new lands and how to use it. Many days latter the young orc was the new Warboss and he named his clan Gulgeth Hai.

Back on Kojan the old Warboss lived no more. The Warboss now lived with many female orcs and had slaves. These slaves came from smaller clans that the Olag Hai killed. The slaves were the craftsman of the little clans so they were now craftsman for Olag Hai. The Warboss had them make lots of things for the Warboss and his soldiers. They made many things but not get paid for them. One of these crafters was a maker of hammers and bows. His children learned to make these things but he wanted money for the hammers that he made. The Warboss killed the children and said that no slaves will get money because he was Warboss and slaves are slaves and nothing more. This made the slaves mad and they got all their children to learn how to us the things they made. The old crafter saw a young orc who could use many of the hammers and bows and he told him to make a war party to kill the Warboss.

Many days the old crafter spoke to other slaves that this young orc should make a war party and kill the Warboss but he did not know that the young orc had been talking to his female orc. The female orc told him that he should not kill but to leave the clan and make a new clan in a land she knew about. Many days went by and the young orc spoke to other young orcs what his female orc said and they said yes.

The young orc then went to the Warboss and told him that he was leaving. The Warboss who was now old and could not fight good said ok. The young orc then got his war party and went to a new land they called Qalian. He named his new clan Mor Hai.

The Wargods, who had been watching all this and saw that the Orcs now kill other Orcs got mad but did nothing because they loved their Orcs.

Many, Many days went by and the Orcs made lots of children. They killed alot of the animals, made more children and killed other clans. The lands were now known and the Orcs lived good. The Wargods saw this and though they loved the Orcs, they did not love them like before. They saw the Orcs that could kill, them that keep their clans happy and them that were not good.

One Orc that the Wargods saw, was named Bla'troth, was smart. He kept his clan happy and he did not have slaves. He did not kill other clans and he tried to learn more about the lands. One day the Wargods saw Bla'troth in the lands and saw him look at the animals that he was trying to learn. The Wargods made him sleep and spoke to him. They told him that they knew that he was a good Orc and good Warboss. They said that they would now teach him magic that will make him a great Warboss. They taught him to tame the animals and use the lands to kill.

When Bla'troth woke up he went back to his clan and told them that he spoke to the Wargods and the Wargods wanted him to be a great Warboss. He said that they taught him magic and he would teach them too. So many days went by and Bla'troth's clan learned.

When Bla'troth's clan got good with the magic and fighting, he took his clan to Qalian and killed all the Orcs there. He then took all the slaves and taught them the Wargods magic and took them to Thestran and killed all the Orcs there too. The Wargods saw this and did not know if what they did was good. They saw Bla'troth's clan grow and learned but again they did not love them like before.

This is the first Orcs, They grew, learned and again the Wargods loved them.

I wrote this, Orc Shaman


The Wargods made the Orcs and the lands so they could be happy. They made the Orcs strong and smart so they could learn the lands and how to use the animals.

Many days after the Wargods made the land and the Orcs, they saw that the Orcs now know everything about the lands. The Orcs grew and made clans. The Wargods loved the Orcs but saw them kill other Orcs so they spoke to the Warbosses (Leaders) of the clans. The Warbosses spoke to the Wargods that the Orcs knew everything. They made clans, made children and the animals that use the lands.

The Wargods spoke to themselves about this and knew that they must give the Orcs more to do. The Wargods then made all the Orcs sleep and made other races. They made the Elves to live and use the trees. They made the Dwarves to live and use the rocks. They made the human to live and use the land where the Elves and Dwarves not like. They made the big and little people (or animals) to live and run with the food animals.

When the Wargods woke the Orcs and they said that these things they give to them to teach and to use.

The Orcs saw the Elves that live in the trees and the Orcs taught them to use the wood and to kill the animals there to eat. The Orcs taught them to make bows from the wood. They taught the Elves the ways of the wood and how to help the lands.

The Orcs saw that the Dwarves that live in the rocks and the Orcs taught them to use the rocks and to kill animals there to eat. The Orcs taught the Dwarves to dig the rocks and find metals and gems and how to make things from it. They taught the Dwarves to use the metal to make Hammers and axes. They taught them to find jewels and make things from them. The Orcs taught them the way of the rocks and how to help the lands.

The Orcs saw the humans and taught them to eat what they can and to kill little food animals. The Orcs taught the humans to use dirt and grass to make thier houses. They taught the humans to use water to fish and to use boats. They taught the humans to use hides from the little animals to cover thier ugly bodies so they not get killed from the daylight and the snow.

The Orcs do all this for all the things the Wargods gave them. Not because they could, and not because they had to but because they want to make the Wargods happy.

The Wargods saw this and they happy.

From the original Sigil lore

Saga of Heroes


This page last modified 2008-07-22 05:38:41.