Rurkogd (VG)  

Rurkogd is a god acknowledged by the Half-Giants of Thestra, who also use the names 'The Guardian' and 'The Provider'.

Lore Excerpt

"We observed a shooting star one night during our time in Falgarholm. There was much commotion in regards to this spectacle. It appears the Highland folk call a shooting star "Rurkogd's Spear" and anyone privileged to see it is blessed by the god. The Guardian or The Provider, as Rurkogd is also known in this society, is said to distribute his fortunes to his worshippers by throwing his mighty spear across the heavens. I am told young half-giants have been known to follow the path of the spear across the land in hopes of finding the actual projectile."

The Peoples of Thestra and Its Environs

Saga of Heroes


This page last modified 2008-07-31 03:22:10.