Titans' Hill Camp (RoM POI)  

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Point of Interest
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Zone Aotulia Volcano
Expansion The Elven Prophecy
Quest Series Aotulia Volcano
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Runes of Magic
There is an Ailic's Community Transport Portal operated by Snoop the Stubborn, or an Ailic's Aide, located here that can bind you or transport you, for a small fee, to any of the following destinations which you have previously visited and unlocked:

This looks like
a good spot to
drop some ink!
Unfortunately for you,the easiest way to get here is to toss yourself under the bus. The Naga henchmen blocking the road are Elite and will kill you in one shot, and there is a Resurrection Stones circle at Titans' Hill.

On the bright side, this is a full-service camp. They have everything you need to adventure in this zone.

The following Service NPCs can be found within this POI. To find your way to one, simply use World Search and enter the name, then follow the arrow.

This page last modified 2015-06-27 10:45:00.