Watchman Plarg has sent me in search of the S.P.C. unit that Remmy Fulgation placed. It is hidden somewhere near Raven Eye Spire. I will need to wear the Negative Charged NF Spectacles that Watchman Plarg gave me in order to find its location. If I misplace the Negative Charged NF Spectacles I can return to Watchman Plarg for another pair.
Stage 1
Watchman Plarg would like me to find Remmy Fulgation's S.P.C. near Raven Eye Spire.
Start: | I need to search Raven Eye Spire with the Negative-Charged NF-Specs. |
Complete: | Remmy's described his Steamfont Plot Coordinator is missing, he says it looked like the beads kobolds sometimes wear. |
Start: | I need to find Remmy's Steamfont Plot Coordinator. It is likely that a kobold will have it. |
Complete: | The S.C.P. is now in my hands. |
Start: | I need to return to Watchman Plarg. |
Complete: | I have spoken with Watchman Plarg. |
I found the S.P.C. on a kobold. I recovered Remmy's S.P.C. from a kobold.