Maareona Ludimintium has asked for my help in tracking down an undelivered relic. She believes this relic--whether or not it has actual power--can be used to undermine the work she has been doing in Qeynos to better the lives of her people. She has sent me to a man named Cayan Sable who she believes will be able to help.
Stage 1
I need to find Cayan Sable and get some needed information from him.
Start: | I need to speak with Cayan Sable, he is in a hiding spot that can be reached by climbing the bench behind the northwestern corner of the armor shop. |
Complete: | I have spoken with Cayan Sable. |
Start: | In exchange for his help Cayan Sable requires I help him by collecting Red Sun Berries from the bushes that grow around Starcrest Commune. |
Complete: | I have collected the Red Sun Berries. |
Start: | I must return to Cayan Sable, I can use the bench behind the northwest corner of the armor shop to get to him. |
Complete: | I have spoken with Cayan Sable. |
I have contacted Cayan Sable. I have done a task for Cayan in exchange for certain information. According to him I will get this information from a merchant in Starcrest Commune.