While aiding Special Agent Froak in the rebellion against Venril and the enslavement of the Synod Reet Frogloks, Froak learned of several Reet Scouts that have been captured and are being held inside the Sebilis prisons. I have volunteered to save them!
Stage 1
Special Agent Froak has learned of a few Reet scouts that were caught within Sebilis and are being tortured. They will follow me when I present the Reet Marching Orders to them.
Start: | I am to hunt the Sebilis prison guards to find the keys to the prison cells. |
Complete: | I have the prison keys! |
Start: | I must free the Reet prisoners and escort them safely to the downspouts that lead into the Ruins of Old Sebilis. |
Complete: | I freed the captured Reet scouts! |
I freed the captured Reet scouts from the prisons of Sebilis.Stage 2
Special Agent Froak should hear of my success, immediately.
Start: | I should return to the Reet camp in the Kunzar Jungle, and give Special Agent Froak the good news. |
Complete: | I told Special Agent Froak of the freed prisoners. |
Special Agent Froak was relieved to have a few less Reet prisoners within Sebilis. I was able to help Special Agent Froak and the Synod Reet, by rescuing a few from the Sebilis prisons.