- Clicking on the ??? again after Bodach is defeated will reward the player(s) doing the quest the key item Annals of Truth.
- Hell Slash: Single target physical attack.
- Blood Saber: AoE Drain effect. (Will hit any character in range, regardless if they are in your party/alliance or not)
- Horror Cloud: Single target Slow effect.
- Black Cloud: AoE Darkness based magic damage with additional Blind effect.
In Scottish legend, the Bodoch was the spirit, depicted as an old man wearing dark gray clothing. Like other spirits said to roam along the British Isles, the Bodoch was said to be able to fortell the death of family members, and had a tendency to kidnap children (in the Bodoch's case, it would sneak into houses to do so by climbing down chimneys).
This page last modified 2012-05-10 16:26:25.