template:FR Quest  

Free Realms
To Start: We do not know who starts this quest. Please, if you do, won't you edit this page and let us know?

We do not know what the rewards for this quest are, do you?
We do not have a list of the objectives for this quest. Please, if you know, won't you edit this page and add them?
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{{FR Quest

If this quest is part of a series, you can add the following template below the above one!


The Usage Diagram, above, is stored at FR Quest Usage.

Contents [hide]



If not blank, this quest requires membership
Quest Type: Combat, Timed, Minigame, Errand or Search. Combat is the default.
If not blank, this quest is repeatable. See Category:Repeatable Quests
If not blank, this quest is only available to a specific Job.
Name of the NPC that initiates this quest. If startmob=* (an asterisk), then there is more than one starting mob for this quest and the starters should be documented on the page below the template. If startmob= is blank, a message will be displayed that we do not know how to start this quest.
(OPTIONAL)Where is the startmob found? This can be blank.
(OPTIONAL)This is what the startmob says before the details.
(OPTIONAL)This is the text of the Details, shown above the reward when you press more details.
(list)The items, coin, stars & tickets rewarded for completing this quest. Items should use FRItem, and coins, stars & tickets should use FR Coin. Because this field contains multiple types of reward items such as XP, Items, and Coins, the new comma-delimited format for List-type fields cannot be used, here.
If this is non-blank, this quest is no longer in the game and will display a message to that effect
Also called "Goals". A bulleted list of the quest objectives, as displayed in the Quest Helper window. You should put the text in the Quest Helper window that appears above the goals here, too. List all of the goalsw, even if some are not given until you complete the one before it. If |objectives=X, this section will not be displayed, expecting a call for FR Objectives somewhere below. Bulleted lists should start the line following the |objectives=

Icons and Images

The icons displayed on the left, for the jobs, come from Category:Job Icons. The Member Only icon below the job is at Member Only.

Possible Error Categories

Templates called by this Template

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Pixie Adventurer
Free Realms
This template was created or is maintained by
Too cute to be emo...

This page last modified 2011-11-02 12:11:05.