Cursed Tomb  

Min Level:15
Max Level:22
It is the final resting place of dishonored warriors and kings of Midgard who deserted in the midst of battle, betrayed their comrades, let greed and vice get in the way of honor, or died in less-than-heroic circumstances, and whom the Midgard gods wouldn't allow into Valhalla for their misdeeds.

Loc to entrance in Gotar: 60k, 54k

Links and Maps:

Updated: Thu Dec 21 06:46:39 2006
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Still a great dungeon
# Jun 15 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Still a great place to solo 20-28 or with a group <20-24. The large room straight across the round room from the entrance is excellent if you have spirit damage (SM PBAOE). Once you get up to 25-27 as a supp SM you can chain pull this room.

This room also has a really cool spawn system. There is a named mob, Draugr Commander, kill him and the princess will spawn. When you kill the princess the Draugr Commander and 6 Draugr Warriors will spawn (non-agro'd). So if you're chain clearing the room, kill the Commander, all of the Warriors, and the skel/cursed souls, then kill the Princess, and start the loop over again.

One thing to watch out for though is the roaming corpses. When they die they spawn 1-3 corpse crawlers that are usually a level higher then the original mob.
Group Fools
# Oct 18 2002 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
I have read tons of postings on this board about how the mobs are purple and that the mobs are yellow at 20....PURPLE IS GOOD. The FASTEST way to XP in DAoC is by grouping and a good lvl 15 group can take a lvl 20 mob easy, if you can't you all are nerfed. Learn to group, cuz if you want to solo come back in a couple years...thats how long it will take you to hit 50. Just some thoughts
Cursed Tomb
# Apr 10 2002 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Nice little dungeon but the levels are off. I am a Skald, 27 and have solo'd there the last 4 levels.

Cave crabs, tomb sentries, cursed spirits, trapped thralls, roaming corpses are all green now

Corpse crawlers, mad rats, druaghr warriors, Tomb Priestess are mostly blue, some yellow

Cursed Mora, Vengeful ghouls are mostly yellow, some blue

Dungeon chitin and druaghr hounds I haven't fought enough of.

I have been able to solo from the front or the tomb priestess area with ease. The drops for money were increased last patch, unsure about the drop rates but I was able to get 2 bracers, belt, cloth pants and a gem last night in only a few hours.
Wrong lvl
# Apr 03 2002 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
Be a 21 hunter, I have a very hard time to solo at enternace of the zone, since all of em are Yellow or above. SO it cant be 15+ zone. I would like to check there again when i hit 22.
Wrong lvl
# Apr 03 2002 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Be a 21 hunter, I have a very hard time to solo at enternace of the zone, since all of em are Yellow or above. SO it cant be 15+ zone. I would like to check there again when i hit 22.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 09 2002 at 7:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1337
level range
# Feb 26 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
The listed lvl range is a bit off.
At 15 everything will prolly be purple.
At 22 the Commander and Priestess are orange, and there are likely higher cons further in.
I know that the poisonous cave spiders were green at 35. There was also a green mora further back.

And yes, it's been itemized now. I've seen cloth drop off Cursed Spirits. And have seen Studded drop of Draugr Warriors.

And the Commander is spawned when the Priestess dies. So don't kill the Priestess if you don't want that bugger wandering around, he's a pain in the **** :p .
Corpse crawlers also spawn when you kill Roaming Corpses. So watch out for those.

#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 03 2002 at 5:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Name of Dungeon
# Jan 04 2002 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
I am just started Playing a Middie and last night at 13th lvl I found this place but the changed the name to the "Burial Halls" so I was wondering if anyone know of this and maybe if now it was Itemized with loot or if just coin still??

thanks I hope some one know of any changes that may have happened to this place
RE: Name of Dungeon
# Feb 25 2002 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Yes it is now itemized, and there are some named NPCs in there also. I'm lvl 35 and I walked through the entire place and only found maybe 4 green con mobs. My alts are not high enough to go in there yet, so I have no idea what the item drops are yet.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 18 2001 at 4:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey pancho thats vendos , hate to be the one to break it to ya. so get yo **** right next time ya post . we dint want confuse the the noobs , like yourself. and what kind of viking calls him self panch anywho . go to alb ya bish
Ladies and gentlemen: our social better
# Dec 31 2001 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Wow. This is simply an awe-inspiring post. Not only did you relentlessly assail Pancho with a finely honed rapier wit, but your unique use of English has proven that we can sound more intelligent by overcoming such needlessly constricting rules as capitalization and correct spelling.

I am speechless, good sir.
RE: Ladies and gentlemen: our social better
# May 27 2003 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
Does anyone ever stop to think that perhaps some people posting here do not speak english as their first language? All I can say is 'Get a fricken life!'
#Anonymous, Posted: May 27 2002 at 12:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow is a sentance? And when you say, "This is an awe-inspiring post", are you refering to your post? I don't think your post was inspiring at all! If you were refering to Pancho's post you should have used "that" instead of "this". And why the little dash thingy between the words awe and inspiring? Stupid-idiot looks good on paper but is it proper form? And btw, just cuase a dude kant spell, and yoo yuse words with 6 syllables, sigh I better spell it out, "capitalization" has 6 syllables, doesn't mean you are any more intelligent than the monkey in 2001 who touched the stone. At least the monkey didn't have to worry about needlessly constricting rules as (should be such as) capitalization and correct spell-ing. And geez, that was a horrible sentance. I mean, rapier wit? ROFL! Why don't we all just play nice and get along? You are speecless? HEHE, I can see that! You could not speak in the company of, how should I say this, rapier witted, unique English using, non capitalizating, incorrect spelling, relentless, inspiring and in your own words, "rendering you speechless". See, I used the quotes to signify that I was talking. Silly you!! Oh, and btw, I never read his post, but I think it was probably more interesting than yours!!!
RE: Ladies and gentlemen: our social better
# Jun 12 2002 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
"Wow" is fine as a sentence; it's an interjection. Capitalization and punctuation DO, no matter what your actual intelligence is, make you look smarter. Certainly they make you look smarter than someone who slams out a rather weak phillipic like yours. 'btw' and 'ROFL' don't do a damn thing towards convincing people you're more intelligent than the one posting above you, and neither do the excess exclamation points at the ends of your sentences. The one posting above you had a nicely done and, in my opinion, somewhat amusing post pointing out some of the more glaring flaws in their target's post.
Dungeon Info
# Dec 09 2001 at 6:08 AM Rating: Good
To get to this dungeon head down road from Ft. Atla to the lookout tower (past the svartal camp and fort around the big curve), then cross the bone bridge just behind it. If you run straight ahead you will see some spiders at the base of the wall. Head straight up that wall and the dungeon entrance will be right around the top just to the right of where you will be standing when you get to the top.
I am currently a 19 skald. The crabs at the entrance are 19 and 20 (Yellow and orange), the sentries are the same, and the rats were all 21 red (not sure if there are differetn levels on them). Also the commander walks right past the first doorway with his dog very often, so if you are working the entrance and pull him run to the zoneline. He hits hard and fast and with the dog helping him you may not make it out in time.
great place
# Dec 06 2001 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
i'm a lvl 27 spiritmaster & this dungeon is great. Most con blue & green to me in the dungeon. IF you want to solo in the high 20's this is great. However, the best reason to hunt in this dungeon is the fact it is coin loot. You never have to go sell thus increasing you play/exp time. The coin loot is pretty damn good too. In a small group we were able to pull in 6gp in about 40 minutes. Normally a full inventory of loot would yeild me about that much after a good hunting trip at my current lvl. But not having to travel to cash it in makes for very little down time & no encumbrance. Also, a bash in our group planned ahead & brought a few different weapons to play with since he wasn't going to get encumbered. have some fun ;)

27 SpiritMaster
#Tuluvar, Posted: Dec 18 2001 at 6:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You are the kind of players that i despise, LAMER
RE: great place
# Oct 18 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
Why, because they're not powerleveling? They have as much right to be in the dungeon as your 10-levels-too-low-and-dragging-a-buff-bot PL group. As long as they get XP and treasure for the kills, they're entitled to whatever they can fairly pull.

Some people even like to >gasp< SOLO. They have as much right to play the game as you do.
RE: great place
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
What are you smoking son?
# Nov 29 2001 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Come on folks ... please read the postings.

The Vendo caves are N in Mularn. The _Cursed Tomb_ is just S of Nalliten. Bind at Ft Atla, go to Nalliten. walk to bridge as if you were going down to Myrkwood. Cross it. Look over to you left.

The Cursed Tomb is up on the ridge to you left.
If you crossed the waterway from Nalliten (instead of going to bridge, as I told you), you might have passed some Perfidious Pooks.

The Cursed Tomb is great for level 20+ folks in small groups.

Yes -- watch out for Draughr Commander with his dog. Yes, don't pull the Priestess in that big room unless you've cleaned out a bunch of her helpers.

From the front entrance room (1st room with monsters, crabs, some skeletons) ... dunno where the left doorway goes, the right one will take you the way down to the "crypt" (and pit room behind it with Cursed Moras), going straight would bring you to that large room with Priestess and lots of monsters down on its lower level.

# Nov 24 2001 at 12:05 AM Rating: Default
Cursed tomb location is about 60k 53k look for pooks around the hill.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2001 at 2:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the cursed tomb sux, me and 7 other lvl 24 friends conqured the place and the main mobs down in the bottom are undead called hagubi, they are lvl 24-25 and drop about 14-18silver and never drop any items.. wtf is the point of a dungeon full of crap that does'nt drop items? most of the other mobs are 20-23... good if your a full group of 20s or something i guess...
# Nov 12 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
There is no loot... just coin in this dungeon so far... it has not been itemised... the exp owns though
cursed != vendo
# Nov 11 2001 at 4:56 AM Rating: Default
North of Mularn = Vendo Cavern
South east of Nalliten = The Cursed Tomb

Cursed Tomb is really a 17 - 22 dongeon
Level 15 mini?
# Nov 09 2001 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
All the mob cons purple+++ at the entrance hehe
and i am 15
# Nov 09 2001 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
Hummm Donjon for 15 22??? all the mob cons Purple+++ at the entrance!!! Lev 15 shamy
Cursed Tomb
# Nov 09 2001 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
The Cursed Tomb is in Gotar between Galplen and Ft. Alta, its nowhere near mularn.
This Dungeon.
# Nov 05 2001 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Started Mapping this place the other night, there is some really good pull spots. There is a Priestess in a large cavern that handed us out asses when attacked.
She summons a few Draugr warriors and a Draugr Commander.
Was not a pretty sight. Just a warning :)
Location of this dungeon
# Nov 05 2001 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
If you're unclear about the location of this dungeon, look at the map at
# Nov 04 2001 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
Heyas all just curious of the location of this dungeon. I heard its around nalliten if somebody could give me a general idea i would appreciate it. =)

18 skald of midgaurd
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 04 2001 at 7:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you ***** morons..this is hte vendo caves!!! gawd help ya!
# Nov 03 2001 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
Last night my brother and I were alone pulling creatures to the entrance...when I came across a "Roaming Corpse", that conned yellow to a level 20. It is an large undead troll warrior, and we pulled him and killed him at the entrace. BE WARNED! When you kill him, 3 "corpse crawlers" will spawn where he died...these conned orange and red at level 20. We quickly ran to the exit and got away. When we returned, they were all standing in the spot they spawned. They will not roam away. Luckily they do not help each other when you pull one, so we managed to pull them one at a time and the resume pulling to that spot. This happened every time we killed this Roaming Corpse. You have been warned!

Mordrakken Warloch
Guildmaster and Thane of Aesir's Fury
Bors Server
# Oct 28 2001 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
No, Geck, you didn't stumble on it. You stumbled upon Vendo Caves.. Cursed Tomb is no where near that.
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