
Realm: Midgard
Type: Animal
Roams in and around 37K, 12K

Notes from Boudecca of Gaheris:
* Snarls cons blue to lvl 10, so is around lvl 7. She is a black wolf, a bit bigger than a Lupine Snarler and is neutral
* She spawns on the patch of land in front of the Thrall House, just outside Vasudheim, on the road to Mularn before the turn-off North (Midgard)
* She sometimes pops alone, sometimes with a Lupine Snarler guard (green con to lvl 10)
* When she pops she roams around picking up up to 5 Lupine Snarlers if they're around
* To get her to spawn you need to get her place-holders to spawn on the patch of land between the water on either side - these are Lupine Snarlers, (but not the ones further into the hills in the NW). To do this kill ALL the mobs on that patch - spiders, lynx, serpents, hounds, snarlers (some may swim into the water), afaik all the mobs here are neutral
* When you have killed around 3-10 Snarlers she will pop
* Take a higher lvl caster to clear the unwanted mobs, unless you need the XP
Minimum Level: 7
Maximum Level: 7
Known Habitats:
   Svealand East
Location of Snarls
Known Loot:
Last Updated: Wed Nov 18 04:59:27 2009
Picture of Snarls

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