Tracker Bracer  

Requires Class:Scout
Magic Level:17
Magical Bonuses:
  Shield: +2 pts
  Strength: 7 pts
  Dexterity: 7 pts
  Quickness: 7 pts
Item Bonuses:
  Quickness attribute cap: 2
  Casting Speed: 2%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:10%
Weight:1.00 lbs
Bonus Level:15

Level to Attain:15
Levels of Use:15 - 22
Last Updated: Apr 12 03:50:15 2011

This item can be attained from quests:
Found in:

Per patch 1.88 (03.28.07)
- Archers have had their unique bow lines replaced with a new line, called "Archery".

Stats prior to patch 1.108:
Magical Bonuses:
Constitution: 7 pts
ALL Archery Skills: +2
Stealth: +2 pts
Utility: 24.70
Bonus Level: 10
Picture for Tracker Bracer

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