Victorious Skald Night Cleaver  

Slot:Two Hand
Has a Particle Effect
Weapon Skill:Axe
(Berserker, Savage, Shadowblade, Skald, Thane, Warrior)
Damage Type:Slash
Magical Bonuses:
  Axe: +4 pts
  Strength: 7 pts
  Quickness: 7 pts
Item Bonuses:
  Strength attribute cap: 5
  Magic Damage: 3%
  Style Damage: 3%
  Melee Damage: 3%
  Quickness attribute cap: 5
Damage Modifiers:
  Base DPS: 16.50
  Quality: 100%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:35%
Weight:7.50 lbs

Level to Attain:50
Levels of Use:50 - 50
Level Req:50
Level of Proc:50
Last Updated: Mar 25 03:14:18 2008
Submitted by: Boudicca

This item can be attained from questsFound in:

Magical Ability:
(A magical attack which causes the enemy to fumble their attacks while increasing your chances to hit.)
- Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy.

Secondary Magical Ability:
Resistance Decrease
Lowers the value of the target's resistance buffs or items to the listed damage type.

Base value if spell: 20
Resists decreased: Slash
-- Resists from spell-based buffs reduced 15%
-- Resists from item-based buffs reduced 7%

Target: Targetted
Range: 150
Duration: 15 sec
Casting time: instant
Damage: Slash
Picture for Victorious Skald Night Cleaver

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