Boots of the Astute  

Requires Skill: Armor: Reinforced
(Bard, Blademaster, Champion, Druid, Hero, Ranger, The Way of Arms, Warden)
Armor Factor:38
Armor Absorb:19
Magical Bonuses:
  Dexterity: 6 pts
  Intelligence: 6 pts
  Body Resist: 3%
  Hits: 20 pts
Armor Modifiers:
  Base Factor: 38
  Absorption: 19%
  Quality: 100%
  Condition: 100%
Starting Condition:100%
Starting Duration:100%
Default Bonus:10%
Weight:2.00 lbs
Bonus Level:10

Levels of Use:18 - 24
Last Updated: Aug 18 02:16:18 2009

This item can be attained from quests
This item is obtained from a quest, which one it is not known at the time of this posting. If you happen to know which quest these boots comes from, please post that information below, or drop me a line at and I'll add that info to this entry. Thanks!

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