Unraveling: Crush the Alliance  

Submitted by:Thaals Mythic
Start Zone: The Labyrinth
Start NPC:Guntury
Labyrinth of the Minotaur expansion Required
Chapter:2 - 3
Related Quests:
  Unraveling: Infernal Investigation (Mid)
  Unraveling: Illusions of Grandeur (Mid)
Min Level:50
Max Level:50
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
(Average from 3 ratings)
Related NPCs:
  Commander Bertuch
  Corrupt Alchemist
  Dead Corrupt Negotiator
Last Updated:Fri Apr 18 00:21:55 2008
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Guntury says, "I never would have imagined that the Korazh and Garoch would be so low as to join with the Thelo, but there are definitely negotiations taking place. Sure, they still fight each other, for now, but it's [slowing down]."

Guntury says, "In my stealthy explorations of the Labyrinth, I've seen countless quiet meetings between individual Uruz and their corrupt counterparts. Often it's a simple exchange of a note or a single word before they part, but it never ends in violence. This has to stop now. I'm no fighter and they often meet in very dangerous areas where i can't risk revealing myself, but I think you'll have better chances."

Will you stop the negotiations between the Thelo and the other clans? [Level 50]
- Accept -
You have been given the Unraveling: Crush the Alliance quest.

[Step #1] /use Guntury's Map to find the first meeting location between the Thelo and the other clans.
You use Guntury's Map.
"According to the map, once inside the Labyrinth, you should head straight southwest from the large entrance room. Continuing past the statue of Februstos, then heading southeast at the bend, the the first right to the stairs down. Once down the stairs, follow the hall to Nurizane's Crossroads. Turn right and follow the wall to the northwest hallway. The first meeting location is in the first alcove on your right in that hallway."
at The Labyrinth: loc=40597, 29488

You examine the Dead Corrupt Negotiator. He is neutral to you.

[Step #2] Find the second meeting location shown on Guntury's Map.
You use Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the southeastern hallway and look around the first fallen column for the second meeting location."
When you arrive at 46773, 25053 you see more dead bodies.

[Step #3] Find the third meeting location shown on Guntury's Map.
You use Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the southwestern hallway and take a right at the first intersection. The third meeting location can be found in the first alcove on your right."

at 38385, 22768 you see two more dead bodies.

"These corpses seem fairly fresh. The identical dagger wounds in both the Graoch and Thelo's back still bleed."

[Step #4] Find the forth meeting location shown on Guntury's Map.
You use Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the wouthwest hallway. After a left at the first intersection, look behind the fallen column after the bend for the forth meeting location."

at 39404, 27908 you see two more dead bodies.
"Arrows pierce the necks of both Uruz the lie dead here."

[Step #5] Find the fifth meeting location shown on Guntury's Map.
"From the Nurizane Crossroads, enter the southwestern hallway and take a left at the first interesection. The fifth meeting location can be found in the alcove directly ahead."

Two more dead bodies.
"For a moment it looks as if the dead Graoch here is staring at you, but as you move, the eyes remain motionless."

[Step #6] Find the sixth meeting location show on Guntury's Map.
You use Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the southwestern hallway. After a right at the first intersection, follow the hallway through the tunnel into the Clockwork section. The sixth meeting location is just inside."

Two more dead bodies.
"You feel as though you might be watched as you search fruitlessly for any sign of how these negotiators met their end."

[Step #7] Find the seventh meeting location show on Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the southwestern hallway and head straight down the tired stairs. Continue forward and down the circular stairs. Enter the first chamber on your left midway down the stairs, then take a right into the southwestern room to find the seventh meeting location."

One dead body.
Guntury says, "How are you still alive? Forget it, you won't be much longer!"
As Guntury attacks, his facade drops and he transforms into a doppleganger!
(Guntury con'ed red but was easily soloed by a hunter)

You find another map on the doppleganger's body nearly identical to yours. It shows one location yours doesn't, marked with a twisted minotaur face, that you copy onto Guntury's map. You should find this location and investigate Guntury's fate.

[Step #8] /Use Guntury's Map to find the extra location marked on the doppleganger's map and investigate the true Guntury's fate.
You use Guntury's Map.
"From the Tower of Deifrang in the large entrance room, head southwest out of the main entrance room. Make an immediate right and follow the hallway to the first interesection. Make another right and follow the hallways to a dead end where you should find the extra location from the doppleganger's map."

Guntury is guarded by Goblins and dopplegangers which look like goblins. They con'ed yellow and OJ. Was able to solo kill them one at a time. They did not BAF. Respawn rate was slower than my kill rate.

Guntry says, "Ugh, my head. I'd thank Vartigeth you found me, but first you should probably tell me who you are and why you're [down here]."
Guntury says, "Well I suppose that explains it. I've been investigating these negotiations between the other clans for days. From what I've overheard and read in documents I've managed to sneak a peek at, it looks like the Thelo are offering a portion of the Labyrinth, along with some of the relics within, in exchange for the help of the Graoch or the Korazh in clearing out the [demons] once and for all."
Guntury says, "The dopplegangers have been trying to stop this at the behest of the demons. They spotted me spying on the negotiations, stole the map I'd made of the meeting locations, then forced me to talk by poisoning me with some magic-resistant concoction ... "

[Step #9] /Use Guntury's Map to find the corrupt alchemist. Slay him to obtain the Poison Antidote to save Guntury.

You use Guntury's Map.
"From Nurizane's Crossroads, enter the southwestern hallway. After a right at the first intersection, follow the hallway through the tunnel into the Clockwork section. At the intersection filled with makeshift barricades, make a right towards the Obelisk of Nurizane. Make another right towards the northwest and you should be able to find the corrupt alchemist down the hall."

Upon killing the corrupt alchemist ...
You receive the Poison Antidote from the corrupt alchemist.
You have earned 114 champion experience!
You get 228,589,568 experience points. (61,865,984 camp bonus). and 5 gold.

[Step #10] Take the Poison Antidote to Guntury, (USE your map to find Guntury.)

You use Guntury's Map.
"From the Tower of Deifrang in the large entrance room, head southwest out of the main entrance room. Make an immediate right and follow the hallway to the first interesection. Make another right and follow the hallways to a dead end where you should find the extra location from the doppleganger's map."
Cleared the area around Guntury again. /used the Poison Antidote.

Guntury says, "You're back! Thank Nethuni those animals even bothered making an antidote. I'll probably have a nasty headache for a few more days, but I'll live. Now Let's get on to [business]."
Guntury says, "If we want to stop these alliances with the Thelo, we need to revive their contempt and distrust of one another. While the forces of the other clans may still fight each other regularly, no one will attack the other's leaders and key negotiators whle diplomatic discussion continues. If we can [break this precedent], their negotiations should crumble.
Guntury says, "The first thing I need you to do is track down commanders of both the Graoch and Korazh's expeditionary forces, Bertuch and Ellerdos. Kill them both, as well as any witnesses nearby. Search the [bodies] and get Bertuch's Graoch Medallion and Ellerdos's Korazh Insignia."
Guntury says, "Take this buckle and this button, both from the armor of a Thelo commander. I managed to procure them from his quarters a few days ago. Drop them by the bodies before you leave to implacate the Thelo. Report back to me at my secret rendezvous location. The High Consul should have told you about it."

[Step #11] Follow the northwest hall from Nurzane's Crossroads to the spiral staircase. In the side room midway up the stairs, find Commander Bertuch. Slay both him and his men, then /use the Thelo Commander's Buckle to implicate the Thelo instead of yourself.
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Re: Demon summoning stone quest
# Apr 14 2008 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
Re the above comment, I soloed the Demon Summoning Stone quest on my Ranger. Was hard as heck, cause I had to kite so much. Took me forever, but I am a very stubborn person....
Guntry and Friends
# Sep 04 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
Coupla late points :

Stonemason : run past the room then creep back, so you are looking into left-hand side of the central room. Wait until you see him go into his section and sneak past - the area you want is to the right. It's not 100% but with luck you can actually outrun him if he finds you.

Soldiers : (Soloing) you only need to kill the Commander. Pull him, kill and run to his spot ready to use the item. Use it and you shouldn't be too worried if you die.
THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR ELLERDOS - if you try to pull him he brings the lot. This is Myhtic making sure (as with the Demon Summoning Stones) that you can't solo your way through. Bleh!

# Jun 03 2007 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Here another decent right up for this quest.

This quest
# Dec 11 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
I found that, when killing the Commanders and their men, it is best to kill the soldiers first, then the commander. Unless of course, you enjoy making a fast sprint through the halls with all of them on your butt.... I cast on the Commander first on one group, and they all came after me.
This quest
# Dec 09 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
When i was doing this, I found that to enter the room where the doppleganger appears, I always aggro'd the Stonemason, a purple con who squashed me like a bug. I'm still working on this. He (Stonemason) walks a sort of patrol inside the room adjacent to the room where the doppleganger is, but I couldn't see him until I was in the room, and both times he was close enough to aggro.
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