how many can you bring back to get xp?
Rack of Megaloceros Antlers -- Kill Task
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Trude, a named Tradklan just outside Dellingstad (on the right side of road to Hagall where the border of Delling Crater meets Faraheim and located next to Unne (see "Faraheim Stag Body" kill task)) will take your "Megaloceros Antlers" in return for xp. Megaloceros can be found on the border of Gripklosa Mountains and Delling Crater. They con yellow and blue at lvl. 48. BTW, Faraheim Stags and Does can be found SW of Dellingstad (on the road to Hagall where the border of Delling Crater meets Faraheim). Note: You need to hand Trude the Megaloceros Antlers one by one, not in stacks. Reward: |