Spawns in the valley just below Orumut Uluntar. There are 3 Giant spawns just south of the long pile of rocks. He spawned in place of one of them. He was not the roamer.
He dropped The Red Flame, Orcskull Cup and Lava Rock tonight.
Spawn spot POS700, POS900. "A hill giant" PH 20 respawn but named spawns in 10.
Due south of his spawn point is a flat spot on the hill - just keep the area clear of that Hill Giant and a roamer (spider/snake) and just snare pull up to the flat spot and root rot.
Almost certain his placeholder is one of the regular "a hill giant." The loc given below is pretty much on the spot. I cleared most of the hill giants down there and a couple leopards, and he spawned during the repops. He doesn't summon and has fewer hp than the trash in that area.
Red flame is a named fire elemental in the steppes. He apparently has a range of levels he can be, as the one I saw was yellow to a level 66 druid, making his max level at LEAST 67.
He spawns west of the Timber lizard lake, in an area with timber leapords, and a bunch of Centaur model guardians.