June 11 Patch

There are lots of changes in today's patch. Here is the message: June 11, 2003 3:00 am ------------------------------ ** Experience System Change - Grouping ** We've made some improvements to the way experience is rewarded in EverQuest. These improvements are aimed at positively reinforcing the act of grouping. After all, this is a Massively Multiplayer game. Prior to this update groups gained a 2% to 20% experience bonus for having two to six members. As of today this bonus has increased to range from 20% to 80% for having two to five members. When a group adds a sixth member, the 80% bonus remains, but the experience gained is only divided by 5 before being distributed. The sixth group member no longer causes the experience gain to be divided by 6. Planes of Power zones had an increased experience award above and beyond those of most other zones. Because of these new dramatic improvements to group experience gains, we will be reducing the zone-specific experience bonus for Planes of Power zones a bit. As long as character is grouped with at least one other in these zones, they will see an improvement in experience gain over the old system. The one down side to the new system is that there will be a small decrease in experience for those who do not group, and only for those who do so in Planes of Power zones. ** Experience System Change - Level 60+ ** In addition to the above changes, we have increased the range of NPC levels that give a character experience after they reach level 60. This will open up many of the "old world" zones to players previously restricted to Planes of Power zones for experience gain. The range of NPCs that will be "blue" to a level 65 character has been increased as far as level 50, with the "light blue" range extending to level 45. The best experience gains, however, are still for fighting things around and above your level. This should open up areas for high level characters in groups and solo. ** Interface ** - Shared Bank Vault - We've added two shared bank slots to the interface. These extra bank slots can be accessed by any character on the same account and server. No-Drop and No Rent items can't be placed in these bank slots, and only one of any specific Lore item can exist in the shared bank at any time. - Spell Context Menus - This is a new interface menu that will make memorizing spells less tedious. To access the spell menu, just right-click an empty spell gem. This will open a list of spell categories. Point your mouse at a category and a list of spells will be displayed. Select a spell from that list to memorize it in that slot. Your character will sit down, memorize the spell and stand back up. - Spell Favorites - Spell favorites are an easy way to memorize a full set of eight spells without the tedious book searching. Right-clicking on the spellbook icon in your spell window will open up the spell favorites menu. You will be able to save your current spell lineup as a favorite, delete a favorite or memorize all the spells in one of your already saved spell sets. You can save as many as ten sets of spell favorites. As with the new spell context menus mentioned above, this will not replace the spellbook, it is meant to make memorizing large numbers of spells more convenient. - Spell Descriptions - We have expanded the spell description window. Along with the information that has always been available, we have added an explanation about what the spell does in general that includes damage and duration when appropriate. You can see these new descriptions by right-clicking and holding on the spell scroll, the spell gem in your Spells window, or the spell icon in your spellbook. - New Camera - We've added a new camera mode to the game. Lovingly dubbed the EQ Cam, it uses the mouse wheel to allow you to zoom away from your character into a "chase" camera. This only works from first person mode (the default view). Using the mouse wheel you can determine the distance of the camera from your character, or to zoom back into first person mode. When in the chase mode, mouselook turns the character and camera together and you can change the pitch of the camera using the mouse. - NPC Names - Many NPCs will be displaying additional titles to make it clearer what their job is. For example, an NPC that sells tailoring supplies may have the title [Tailor Supplies] under their name. This will help folks find the proper merchant. It's analogous to them hanging out their shingle. - Rare Character Select Crash - Using the arrow keys to try to change the selected character at the character select screen when there were no characters on the account was causing people to crash out of the game. That's fixed now. - Guild Message of the Day - Using certain HTML codes when setting up a Guild Message of the Day was causing all members of the guild to crash. While this may have been amusing for pranks on your guild, we still decided to fix it. ** Spells ** - Spell level limits now enforced - Some high level spells cannot be cast on characters under a certain level. In the past a caster could get around this level restriction when casting a group version of a spell by targeting a higher level group member, and the spell would take effect on the whole group, regardless of their level. That loophole has been closed. We're sorry if you have grown accustomed to the system working this way, but those level restrictions are important to the integrity of lower level gameplay. - Incineration and Conglaciation of Bones - Both of these spells should now crit and stack (when cast by different casters). - Divine Intervention - This spell should now be reporting the amount of healing it delivers. - Healing Messages - The target of a healing spell will now get a message telling them the caster's name and the amount of healing they receive. - Reporting Damage Over Time - Damage over Time (DoT) done to NPCs will now be reported to the caster every time it does damage. These messages can be filtered in the Options window. - Boon of the Garou - The level restriction for this spell has been removed. We have also fixed a bug with the spell that would prevent it from being cast on target that are not on a horse if the enchanter is on horseback (spell still cannot affect those on horseback). - Wake of Karana - To improve the usefulness of this spell, we have lowered the recast time from 90 seconds to 15 seconds. - Beastlord Warders - Beastlords will once again be able to summon their warders in the Plane of Sky. Sorry for the delay in getting this one fixed properly. - Familiars - Familiars will no longer attempt to equip items. This was causing them to try to wear weapons inside their heads, which probably isn't a good thing for them to do. - Spirit spell line - We have added +75 dexterity to the effects of Spirit of Flame, Spirit of Rellic, and Spirit of Snow. - Spell stacking and blocking - Changed the following spell lines to cause them to bounce off of each other. Each line should block everything from the other line, but still be overwritten by spells of the same line. Spiritual Strength Spiritual Brawn Spiritual Vigor Strength of Tunare Strength of Nature Brell's Mountainous Barrier Brell's Stalwart Shield Brell's Steadfast Aegis - Translocation spells - Fixed a bug with translocation spells. If a second translocation spell was cast on a character before he had accepted the first, both would fail. - Spell casting pets - In the past, pets were restricted to casting spells of level 20 and below. We have given them access to higher level spells. You may want to be careful with them until you get used to their new abilities. - Drunken Riders - We fixed an odd bug that allowed people who were extremely drunk to cast spells without mana cost while on a horse. Yes, crazy bugs like that actually happen. :) ** Zones ** - Droga and Nurga - The mines of Nurga have been inhabited by crafty Goblins and stolid Burynai for many long years, digging and slaving away under the earth. It's time to shake them up! The redesign for these zones are now on the Legends server, Stormhammer. The mines of Nurga are a fun zone for characters of levels about 40 to 55. The Temple of Droga accommodates characters around 50th to 65th level. Both zones will have some new events and quest, while retaining the distinct feel of the zones. - Veksar - Since the rediscovery of the lands of Kunark, there have been rumors springing from the ancient lore of the Iksar. Most of those rumors remain unfounded, as gaining access to the lore of the insular Iksar is no easy task. One of the most persistent legends is about a city that lies buried under the Lake of Ill Omen. That city was called Veksar, and it is up to you to discover the tale of its fate. - Planes of Power access - Planes of Power has provided us with valuable insight into the group and guild dynamics that are involved in large scale games. The way that we had expected guilds to advance through the story of Planes of Power has become a problem for some guilds as some members have fallen behind and found it difficult to catch up. Obviously this was not our intention. We want people to play with their friends and guild mates. To correct this issue, we will be allowing characters to enter the following Planes of Power zones by meeting a simple level requirement: Level 55 and over Plane of Storms Plane of Torment Plane of Valor Crypt of Decay Level 62 and over Bastion of Thunder Halls of Honor Characters that don't meet the level requirement may still enter these zones using the existing flags, and raids may still bring additional unflagged or lower level characters with them. All other planes with flag or story requirements for entry will still require those flags, and those flags can still be obtained as they always have. This will make the majority of Planes of Power zones available to characters over the minimum level, and will allow their guilds to travel and adventure together in the planes. We understand that those that have already earned the entry flags for these zones have put some effort into that accomplishment. We will be giving a reward to those that have done so, in the form of a nice Charm slot item and Alternate Advancement points based on the number of planes you've gained access to. The reward for planar progression will be available this week. We found an issue with part of the reward on Test server, and are in the process of fixing it. This is a top priority and we plan to bring it to all live servers this week. - Great Divide - The Plane of Knowledge portal in the Great Divide will now be available when the Ring War is in progress. - Bastion of Thunder - We have upgraded the loot available from many of the mini-bosses in the Bastion of Thunder to make the reward more inline with the risk. - Sol Ro's Tower - They look like frogs, hop like frogs and now they even react to spells like frogs. Flame Frogs are now flagged as animals. - Rallos Zek encounter - Rallos Zek will remove anyone from the zone that attacks him if they are not part of the raid that has him engaged. Even in war, there are rules to be followed. ** Items ** - Tradeskill item flag - There is a new flag on items. When viewing the information about an item, if you see that it has a Tradeskill flag, it is an item that can be used in a tradeskill recipe. This isn't to clearly spell out every item that is used in every tradeskill recipe. The intent is to assist those who are finding items that do not already have an obvious use, by letting them know that the item is used in a tradeskill recipe, somewhere. - LoY "Fine Steel" - Many of the more commonly dropped weapons in the Legacy of Ykesha zones were a bit too powerful for the ease and level needed to get them. Some of the most out of line items were the Harpoon, Luggald Trident, and Luggald Dagger. We've decided that it is necessary to tune them down a bit. - The Hollow Acrylia Obelisk - This is the old Acrylia key. It has been changed into a charm. This charm can be used by anyone, not just those that own LoY. - Bows - The Longbow of the Grimlings and the Bow of Gloaming have both been given ranges. They can now be used properly. - The Burning Flame Shield - This item had the wrong resist modifiers. It now has a +30 fire resistance and a -10 cold resistance. - Bazaar Search - Non-instrument items with instrument modifiers will now show up in instrument type searches in the Bazaar. - Ornate Stone Medicine Totem - This item can now be equipped. - Storm Reaper Thorn Machete - This newbie Halfling quest weapon is now flagged as magical. - Charm of the Brotherhood - This item will now give a bonus when grouped with others of either the same class or race. - Dagger of Distraction - This item can no longer be used by Monks. - Edge of Eternity - Beastlords and monks can no longer use this item. - Veil of Lost Hopes and Orb of Clinging Death - The casting times on both of these items has been lowered. - Magi`Kot's Pants of Convergence - The effect on this item has been changed to summon a Rod of Mystical Transvergance. - Cloak of the Falling Skies - The focus effect this item has changed to Preservation of Solusek - The Wristguard of Keen Vision - This item is now useable by int. casters. - The Mask of Conceptual Energy - This item is now useable by priests. ** Alternate Advancement ** - Lifeburn - This ability would cause an undue amount of aggro to be generated because it would bring the caster to an extremely low number of hit points, making them look like tasty targets to enemies nearby. To lessen this problem, Lifeburn will no longer reduce the caster to 10 hit points, but to about one fourth of the caster's hit points. This should prevent the additional agro generated while retaining the risk for using the ability. - Feigned Minion - The Child of Bertoxxulous pet will no longer cast buff spells to break his feign when under the Feigned Minion effect. ** Quests and Tradeskills ** - Bankers - There were a few quests that required giving an item to a banker. When we recently removed the ability for characters to give items to bankers to help prevent mistakenly losing items, those quests became unavailable. We have moved those quests to new NPCs. If you see any other quests that ask you to give something to a banker, please use /bug and report it to us. - Newly Stackable Items - Valor Crystals, Ceramic Linings, Holgresh Fur and Casks are now stackable. Also, Valor Crystals can be sold to vendors. - Sewer Catfish - These unappetizing fish have begun to appear in Cabilis. - Klok Foob - Will now accept a Catfish Croak Sandwich. ** Changes for New Characters ** - Newbie Starting Locations - We've modified all locations where new characters start to make them a bit more convenient for the new player. They should all start very near their guild masters. - Nudging - New characters will be given a text message to encourage them to hand in their newbie note to their guild master. For new players, this is one of the key things to get them involved in gameplay, and one of the easiest to overlook. - Guild Masters - To help guide new characters, Guild Masters now take a more active role in helping out new recruits by directing them to some starting points for quests. - Quests - There are even more quests in the newbie zones, most of them revolving around the pests that seem to inhabit even the grandest cities. ** Miscellaneous ** - We are working on an update to the Luclin player character model animations. This will not be a complete revamp of all the animations, but will address some of the most common concerns. However, in the mean time you may see some unusual animations, particularly when shorter PCs are running. ** UI File Changes ** NOTE: In order to see the new Shared Bank slots, you will need to use the default bank window, or modify your custom bank window to include the new slots. EQUI_Optionswnd.xml EQUIhelpwnd.xml Bankwnd.xml BigBankwnd.xml Help.html


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Post Comment
# Jul 10 2003 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 29 2003 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default


(might have to copy and paste to see me UBER monk)
# Jun 16 2003 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Well I took my 52 warrior to lvl 53 in a few hours yesterday in Seb.
The group bonus rocks for the Warrior -Norraths least soloable class.
I believe this is how a MMRPG should be played.
Sony Lies
# Jun 14 2003 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Anyone recall Sony's patch notes about 2 years ago on group xp bonuses? The bonus was then announced as +20% per group member above soloing, so 20 to 100% bonus.

So were their prior notes a lie, or is the current description of either the "old" or "new" group xp rates (or both) a deception?

It seems likely Sony nerfed both the group bonus, and the planes bonuses, to slow player progress.
RE: Sony Lies
# Jun 16 2003 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Did some digging. It was later listed as a typo, the actual bonuses were 2,4,6,8,15 respectively.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 13 2003 at 5:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) **** *** damn **** **** **** **** *****...need i say any more?
RE: list of swearwords
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
Do you have Torrettes?!?!?
RE: list of swearwords
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
YES I *********************

# Jun 13 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
I like the bug fix and think it will do wonders for the gaming expirence for a lot of players. I have a cleric and a warrior both under level 45 and neither is good at going solo. And grouping was pretty easy for the both of them until level 25. Seemed like after that everyone was avoiding groups because of the expirence cut. Sure it is fun to power level but if half the classes are doing that then the classes that need groups to level are left out in the cold. Everquest in my mind was never meant to be a solo game for any race or class (there are pleanty of other games out there that dont require a monthly charge for that).
Last night was full of good groups for both my cleric and my warrior. I dinged on them both and I actually had to conserve mana and sit and med with my cleric lol. Also it seemed to be a bit more of a challenge just because of that. SOE has my respect for addressing this issue and dealing with it as it should have been.
Those that have closed out their account because of this change didn't belong in this game in the first place. Everquest should be a challenge at any level for any class. I like the challenge and the groups.
Trade Skills
# Jun 13 2003 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
First of all I have 2 words to say to all those who are bored medding. Trade Skills. That is what they are designed for. Something to do in your down time. Make things. With the bazaar now you can sell those items easier. I am a level 40 Ranger and I used KEI. But I also ran out of arrows because it was too easy to blast the Mobs than to ping away with arrows.
On Medding...
# Jun 12 2003 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
I was discussing this just recently with someone here who does not play EQ.

His point.

So, the 6th man takes no points now, right? Well, if this 'mana' is such a concern for healers now, just take an extra healer along in the sixth slot. One rests while the other does the work.

Out of the mouths of babes....
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2003 at 4:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everquest is a game
KEI is handy, but not necessary
# Jun 12 2003 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I started playing EQ just a few months ago, and I didnt even know about KEI until level 20 when I got my Nexus Gate. From there on, I started using it CONSTANTLY until last night. And why not? It was very handy, much handier than C1 or C2 and I could spend money on other gear other tha INT items.

Last night I had some serious KEI withdrawal pains, I had been a long time since I had to wait so long for my mana to regen to 100%. But I dont really complain that much about it? You know why? Because last night was the first time since level 20 that I actually enjoyed playing in a group! Since level 20 I had almost always gone solo cause I got much more XP that way, and dont even get me started once I got Bonds of Force, I got from level 29 to 40 in two weeks playing just a couple of hours a day. You're right, that was insane! You're not supposed to level up that quickly and you forget -or for those PoP owning newbies outhtere- just plain never learn how to be mana efficient!

I had to almost exclusively use level 20 spells in that group so I could help as much as possible, with the occasional level 39 blast to kill off a mob quickly. Even with out C1, I was able to go three or four round before going OOM. So, all you casters out there, just learn to be efficient, when you're in a group with a tank and other casters, you'll see that you dont have to make 50% of the damage.

Finally, last night was the first time I had been in a group since level 24 and you know what? I earned some very decent xp, plus... I had fun! Isn't that what playing Everquest is all about?
RE: KEI is handy, but not necessary
# Jun 13 2003 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
I am in no way an old school player since i only began playing in April '02, after SoL came out. I play as a beastlord and would always go oom when grouping and soloing. partly due to my newbness but also because i knew nothing of mana regen untill my RL enc mate cast clarity on me and i was in awe of my regen.

Anyways i'm now about to hit 60, and as a beasty i get 7hp/mana regen spell and have ft2 atm. But everyonce in a while i'll take a month or so off kei just to refresh the game and the challenge. As the perfect soloing class i can pretty much maintain 40-60% mana in all situations. AS others have said in this post its all about moderation, and with kei the way it was, and virtue i think we should also remember the game was well out of balance. I don't see the challenge of a warrior walking into Paludal caverns at lvl 20 with a couple of K hps because hes just got aego and some other buffs.

I want to congratulate SoE on the best patch they've had in quite some time IMHO. They get bashed a hell of a lot but sometimes they do something good which I appreciate.
The Real Iksar

RE: KEI is handy, but not necessary
# Jun 12 2003 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
As I mentioned previously, last night we ran a higher level group without KEI (not by choice admittedly), but I still had some of the most fun in a long time. Why, because we actually had to work as a team to stay alive and get the mobs....
# Jun 12 2003 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
I just dinged 59 the day before the patch. Heard it was a "hell level". Spent last nite in PoN for a few hours, got just shy of one full yellow. Xp seems to be going well. And the KEI thing is no big whoop. The extra bank slots are fantastical! Overall I think the changes are a good thing. That's just my 2 cents :)
My wife just quit EQ
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
My wife just turned off her account. She told me that 'the game was finally fun, but now they made it so it isn't fun'. She went on to explain that it isn't really any fun to sit and wait for mana to come back. She is right about that. I am addicted to eq, so it will be hard for me to quit, but now that she isn't playing she will start to put on some pressure for me to quit too because 'we should be spending our time doing something that both of us like to do together'. I finally got her to like eq, but now she is done!

They are losing some players because nobody wants to sit and wait for mana to regen. It is boring. I think that they should revisit the default mana regen rates and boost them up a bit, or make flowing thought items more accessible to lower lvls. Maybe if they added flowing thought to newbie armor items more people would do the quests. It seems that most chars don't start to get ft items until their 50s, but by then you can get kei, so it isn't that big of a deal.

I am bummed that they ruined the game for my wife. Now I am going to get in trouble when I play too late, or when she wanted to talk, or when we had stuff to do, or when she wanted .... That in turn ruins the game for me also.
RE: My wife just quit EQ
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
LOL... Aren't you supposed to be doing all the other stuff first and EQ last ...sounds like you have a very patient wife
RE: My wife just quit EQ
# Jun 12 2003 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
Nayt, you sound like me and my husband. I cancelled two of our three accounts because of this nerf, for the exact same reason your wife did. My husband's still a bit of an addict, but he'll probably be cancelling and joining me in DAOC or AO pretty soon.

EQ has a lot going for it, but it has to be the slowest paced MMORPG I've ever played. DAOC and AO aren't as immersive or complex as EQ, but at least I get to spend most of my playing, not twiddling my thumbs waiting for my mana/hp to regen.
RE: My wife just quit EQ
# Jun 12 2003 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
It's true that nobody wants to sit there waiting for mana to return. But you can avoid this to some extent by the way you play.

I levelled a cleric up to 35 before I had ever even heard of KEI. If I had had KEI it would have gone faster, that's for sure, but not too much. The trick is that when you're in groups, everyone in the group needs to behave with everybody else's mana in mind. Mana used to be the primary group concern, even before hit points, because if the casters ran OOM in the middle of a big fight it was all over. One caster running out had a domino effect as the rest overextended themselves to compensate, just so the group would live through the immediate fight. That would mean a long med break for everybody, so we worked hard to avoid it happening. When mana is in short supply it's amazing how much more thought you have to put into what you're doing. Part of the fun was everybody working together to find the most efficient strategy. We still had med breaks, but they were shorter and less frequent. We were also encouraged to go after more dangerous game, to get more experience bang for the buck, which was another reason to think about mana conservation.

And I dare say the game was a better kind of fun when it was more challenging. The reason to play was 75% grouping (tactics, strategy, socializing) and 25% levelling. We didn't level as fast so we weren't as obsessed with levelling. We were focused on having fun for the session. Levelling was just a natural and beneficial side effect that kept things interesting.

Don't get me wrong - once I discovered KEI, I was thrilled to have it, and I never went anywhere without it. But at the same time I was disappointed with how much less challenging the game had become. Subtle tactical decisions and quick thinking were no longer required in many cases. Your group could just pound away on whatever they liked, usually getting away with it. I loved the endless mana but I hated the feeling of my skills going soft. The game became 75% levelling and 25% grouping.

Sony shot themselves in the feet by letting the KEI bug persist so long. I hope people don't make a mass evac away from the game now that everybody's so used to KEI at low levels.

I'd love to see the mana regen rate bumped up just a little, so that if a group is performing very efficiently they can just barely avoid ever having to take a full group med break. That'd be a tricky change but worth it. KEI at 30, though... way too much.

It's funny, but now that I'm level 45 and so KEI still isn't out of reach, I realize that KEI wasn't a solution to my biggest gripe anyway. Levels moved fast for me below 20 without KEI, but are moving painfully slowly above 40 even with KEI. I wish that the higher levels went as fast as the 25-ish levels did before KEI was available.

Thoughts on Kei...
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,268 posts
Well, I must say, I'm only 28, and I LOVED Kei! It was friggen awsom. However, I do understand the complete and utter insanity of my casting abilities... I didn't discover Kei until about 15 (yeah, no unlimited mana for me at 2 and 3 :-P.) It was totally insane, though, that I could stand there and heal, maybe sitting every 20 or 30 minutes. Let me say that again: I COULD STAND AND HEAL! I played a cleric a long time ago (quit for a year and a half, but back to the crack now) and that was before Kei came out. I played till 19 and found it very very hard to keep mana in check. With Kei it was too easy.

My bottom line: I'm not "happy" that they fixed (and yes, I say fixed) it, but I do understand why they had it there in the first place. It was totally insane.

P.S. To all thee who say it's impossible to level a toon past 27 (and yes, I'm specifically refering to the person who's complaining with the wizard) without Kei, it's not. Plain and simple. There were 50 and 60 (yeah, before they raised the level cap) wizards long before Kei ever came out. Period.

Edited, Thu Jun 12 16:03:33 2003
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
I know this is not the subject here but everywhere i go i read a post by some ****** that claims my (shammy,necro,etc,etc) does the most damage. my dots are awesome blah blah blah. Guys this is not a mystery.Spell effects are posted on many sites on the net. It's in black and white for anyone who can read. A shaman level 65 dot does 325 damage a tick for 7 ticks thats a total of 2275 damage in 42 seconds. Thats nice but a wizards level 65 nuke does 2740 damage with a 8 second cast time and 2.3 second recast and is resisted less than a poison dot. Wizards have many weakness like low hp, armor restrictions, no melee skills, etc. But there is NO class that can outdamage us. None. Not 1. It's what we do =)
RE: Damage
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
Ok, you just did a Crit for 3000 points in BoT. The mob has 20k+ hit points. You are summoned. You take 2000 - 2700 poins of quad damage. You the great Wizard, King of DD are now dead. - Waiting to return you to your bind point ...


P.s. Interesting, I as a lvl 64 Necro. I Solo in PoV (Golems), PoS (Frogs and lesser Giants), HoH (Gardian/Animated/Protector of Marr), PoD (Spiders, Light Crawlers, and Beetles), PoI (All the yard trash outside of factory). I have yet to see Wizards soloing in those zones. They are always /ooc Wizard with Epic LFG . I do see you guys soloing and training people at the grave yard area in PoN ... that is why I don't hunt there :)

Edited, Thu Jun 12 16:06:44 2003
RE: Damage
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
Ok, you just did a Crit for 3000 points in BoT. The mob has 20k+ hit points. You are summoned. You take 2000 - 2700 poins of quad damage. You the great Wizard, King of DD are now dead. - Waiting to return you to your bind point ...

Watch your shammy!
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
do to the loss of kei our shammy was doing the canny dance hard i guess she had her head turned because next thing i noticed was "soandso has ben slain by sosndso!" dont let the loss of kei drive you over the edge!! hehe
# Jun 12 2003 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
I'm tired of all this EQ crap, as soon as WoW comes out I'm getting it, playing this game was fustrating and fun but I can't deal with all the crap they keep on coming up with.

Clack Snacker
65 warrior
Mithaniel Marr
RE: leaving
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
Damn what a whiney *****...one thing is changed and he dont like it =( ahh poor baby. We dont need you.......who let 10 year olds play this game anyway???
RE: leaving
# Jun 27 2003 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Thank God
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
I'm so happy that they fixed the KEI bug, all these people are crying because they can't just fly through the game with a uber spell. Think about it, when ur starting the game you should have to learn to conserve mana, and you need to see what OOM is like. sure you may be experts at the game, but what did u do before KEI was arouond? maybe clarity, or a bard song was your KEI. I as a bard felt that KEI was taking away from my grouping possibilites, because my mana song couldn't compete wiht KEI. Honestly you people who are complaining about somthing that shouldn't have been in the first place. and while you are sitting in the corners of POK shaking because you have to med to get mana back, people like me will be enjoying the game the way it was meant to be played
Some Actual Information Instead of Whining
# Jun 12 2003 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
Okay, now that we have survived one night in the new world...

I ran around last night a little to see how things were doing.

1> (This from a GM) - KEI itself was not nerfed, actually it was not changed at all. It ALWAYS had a limit of 46. What was happening was an exploit of a bug that allowed you to target an eligible member of a group for a group spell, then all members of the group got the spell, eligibility aside. That BUG was fixed, and also affects spells like Aego.

Just for fun, 11 of us mid 50s folks went into Kael's arena, and stayed there for several hours Without KEI. Yup, that's right, it is possible to do it. I also tried soloing without it, okay it was slower, but not harder, I just pulled less and medded more. So basically, the net impact is that it may take people a little longer to shoot up to level 45. After LoY came out, there were froggie wizards at level 45 in two days. Anyone who thinks that is a normal representation of gameplay, raise your hand.

Also, lots of clarity sales in PoK :) and a market for mage buff extension shoulders.

2> Solo XP/Group XP - I spoke to a bunch of people in PoP. Two druids said they did notice they had to kill about one or two mobs extra per yellow, one said 3 (he was level 55). The 55 later hailed me to say he was on the newly unflagged plane (I forget which one) and that the XP up there was excellent and still soloable. Net gain there. Meanwhile, all I heard from groups was - "Oh My God, my XP bar is moving! Wow!" and I noticed a lot less LFGs.

At the lower levels, chanters and necros seemed to be more popular, as well as bards (mana sources). Groups in DL reported a factor 5 increase in XP in some cases.

3> Shared Bank Slots - Except for people who complained you could not put money there or no drop (well, sheesh, why not just raid Bastion of Thunder and twink yer level 1), heard no complaints or reports of losses.

4> Veksar - Initial reviews are its like LoY. Tough mobs that drop semi-rare nice stuff and some decent crap loot.

5> Spell changes - VERY cool. The new click menus work well and the spell lists save a ton of work (if not necessarily time).

6> Misc. Changes - The new tradeskill flags in items are nice. At least you know the item has a use.

7> Pet Spells - My fire pet cast some seriously more powerful self shielding spells now!

All in all, while not comprehensive, this is a generally good update, at least in my view!

RE: Some Actual Information Instead of Whining
# Jun 13 2003 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
another thing I noticed in the game is that there is now titles under some npc's names like banker, trainer, merchant, etc. that is nice.

also how did people cast area effect kei or hov?
with a mgb buff did they target a high level person before they cast it?
also since kei and boa came out with the luclin expansion, why did it take them so long to fix the bug?

RE: Some Actual Information Instead of Whining
# Jun 12 2003 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
94 posts
I just want to say that was an excellent post...Great job.

I do think they should consider making the money slots universal for characters on the same account same server, would be nice. And i think they have proved they CAN do it if they CHOOSE to by the bank implentation.

That along with the bank shared slots should eliminate any need to transfer via friend or stangers items/cash to other characters and make easy and secure transfers possible for the player.

Once again great post! Smiley: waycool
RE: Some Actual Information Instead of Whining
# Jun 12 2003 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
Oh, and thank you for the complement....
RE: Some Actual Information Instead of Whining
# Jun 12 2003 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
I'm not sure I'd want cash transfers to be TOO easy. Makes twinking a bit to mundane (Look, O level 1 cleric, here is 10K for gear!).
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
OK guy my necro now 39 and i have and alt Cleric and ranger let me say that....... all you guy whining about a suposed NERF on KEI you are all WRONG. KEI wasnt nerfed at all Chanter WERE EXPLOITING A BUG damn yes only a bug and SOE fixed a bug and you call it NERF............
KEI was only usefull but without it the game will be chalenging like a true RPG.......
Just my 2cp
Wish that Innoruuk spare your pityful lives........... I may not be as clement as him remember that....

Edited, Thu Jun 12 09:59:51 2003
# Jun 12 2003 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
As a 65 Druid I can out solo a Necro anyday. Pull goes bad for a Druid, we evac to zone. Can any other class in the game besides a bard pull 6-12 Dark Blue mobs at once and kill them all? Not a Necro. Yes a Necro can kill a single more powerful mob than a Druid. But in pure xp per bar of mana no one can beat a Druid. Wizards also come close but the fact that their snare is somewhat unreliable makes them a close second. Same with Bards style. Just my 2 cents. BTW any of you Necros who disagree tell me the last time you got 3/4 a blue bubb in 59 back before the nerfed the xp penalties.
RE: Soloing
# Jun 12 2003 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Call me crazy, it wont be far from the truth but didnt sob mention something about before the xp penalties. If im correct which im probably not, but that would also be before a semi recent patch that efected xp from differently considered mobs.

RE: Soloing
# Jun 12 2003 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
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RE: Soloing
# Jun 12 2003 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
RE: Soloing
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
Yes you can make more exp than a necro but the necro can kill and make exploit you never dreamed of...... SO feel the true power of Hate and that Hate will come feed me.
Gilsereg HateBringer the only one
Wih that Innoruuk will spare you.... But remember that im not as clement as him.......
RE: Soloing
# Jun 12 2003 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
dot a point there aboot druids necros are nice but druids can take 12 mobs in train and finish them off np ive done it many times in CS on wyverns now with the kei limit in effect that may be a different story necros being to cannablize mana for themselves makes them strong now but if a druid is for example tunare and has done their tunare item quests, mana free clicky spell items makes multi-quad a reality, throw in a mod rod for a lil help and your good to go
RE: Soloing
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmmm as a necro I have to say that solo I am incredibly powerful and can kill anything I want and get uber gear fast. In diablo II, which is made for soloing

I also play a necro in EQ and while we are efficient soloers, like druid, shammies and Beastlords, noone seems to mention the most important part of soloing in EQ. it is DULL. like really really dull. Snare/fear/dot/pet med (or equivalent for other solo class), repeat ad infinitum on the same mobs, most of which drop either nothing or crap. And this is your idea of a fun time? I'm sorry but most of the fun I have in the game is in groups, and this patch has made it even more likely for me to get one, so thanks soe :)

Lukraak Sisser, 57 necromancer of Xegony
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 12 2003 at 7:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hahaha Tony u said u are very twinked with 5kpp??!! LOL i twinked my bard with 200kpp.... Now i can solo easy red mobs.... HAR HAR HAR BARD RULES
Druids Need KEI Huh
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:28 AM Rating: Default
I have a 46 Druid who does not use KEI and never has because i like the idea of sitting and medding it makes the game more fun
Need KEI?!?
# Jun 12 2003 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Personally, I'm glad they fixed the KEI bug. I've continually said to myself that it's not necessary, it only makes the game go by faster. I have a level 57 Wizard and I didn't start using KEI on a regular basis until level 50 (excepting guild raids, of course). Be happy there is mana regen songs/spells at all. Play the game and you'll find out that you'll get your fix sooner than later. CRACKHEADS!!! heheh J/K
# Jun 12 2003 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
While I will miss Kei on my low-mid characters I have to state that there was no real "Nerf" to KEI, it was allways level restricted. However like all level restricted spells there was a bug/ loop hole, that allowed group versions of the spell to be cast by targeting a player, usually the caster him/herself and the spell would land on all in the group even if under the level requirement. All they did is fix a problem with the game....

I have played since the game went open to the public and remember when people would pay for breeze, and clarity was all powerful. Trust me you can play the game without KEI, yes it will take longer to get mana, yes you will exp slower particually if solo. But you can play it, try out some of the other mana regen spells/songs, clarity in your 30s is about as good as KEI in your 60s and that is how it was designed to be.

IF anything complain that sony allowed this problem to conitinue in game as long as they did, players became used to having insanely fast mana regen and now complain about "nerfing".
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