Command/Quick KeyList

Slash Commands:


  • /afk - flags you as away from the keyboard
  • /anon - flags you as anonymous
  • /bind - Sends a player upon death to the last bind stone at which this command was used.
  • /*d s - gives framerate and other technical information on your connection
  • /clock - Toggles display of a new window that shows the current time of day (real time, not game time)
  • /follow - you will follow the highlighted person.
  • /friends - shows your friends list.  There is a separate list per character.  There is also a button on your character sheet that shows which friends are online.
  • /friends add <name> - adds a name to your friends list or repeat command to delete.
  • /friends delete <name> deletes a name from your friends list.
  • /ignore <playername> - You will no longer receive sends from that player.
  • /level - For those with level character you can /level any new character and advance them to lvl 20 or 30 depending on the server/realm of choice. Check the Camelot Herald for more information.
  • /macro - Assign an action button to a single command. "/macro /sit" will produce a button which can be placed on the quickbar to run the /sit command. 
  • /mbuy - Lets you purchase items in bulk (accessible by pressing Shift-Up Arrow)
  • /pray - When targeted at a gravestone, it allows a player to recover some of his/her experience lost due to a death.
  • /quit or /q - Quit the game.
  • /release - When you have died, you may return to the living by typing /release
  • /repair - Use on a targetted item to attempt to repair the item. Requires reasonable skill in weapon or armour crafting depending on what you're repairing. 
  • /realm - lists all your realm's relics and whether they are captured by another realm, and whether you have captured any from a rival realm.
  • /rest or /r - Rest is used to allow a player to sit and heal.  The rate of health regeneration is approximately twice that of when the player is standing (moving around).
  • /salvage - Use on a targetted item to return it's "base ingredients" ro recycling in the crafting process.
  • /sshot - will allow you to give a base name for your screenshots. For example, to name your screenshots: Raid-01.jpg, Raid-02.jpg, type: /sshot Raid
  • /sit - Same as Rest.
  • /stand - Makes your character stand up.
  • /stick - You will stay in front of and autofollow the Mob you are fighting
  • /stuck -  Logs out and Relogs your character if you become stuck, and moves you to the nearest valid position.
  • /QTD - will allow you to camp straight to desktop.
  • /vidreset - Clears the memory of your video card, which helps in some laggy situations such as large battlebgoups.

Chat Group Commands:

  • /cg help - Displays all chat group commands
  • /cg invite [playername] - Invites the specified player to the chat group
  • /cg who - Lists all members of the chat group
  • /cg remove [playername] - Removes the specified player from the chat group
  • /cg leave - Remove oneself from the chat group
  • /cg listen - Puts the chat group on listen mode; only the moderator and leaders can speak
  • /cg leader - Declare another member of the chat group as leader; This player can invite other players into the chat group and speak when the chat group is on listen mode.
  • /cg public - The chat group is public and anyone can join by typing /cg join
  • /cg private - The chat group is invite or password-only
  • /cg join [moderator name] - Join a public chat group by name of the moderator
  • /cg join [moderator name] [password] - Join a private chat group which has a password set
  • /cg password - Display the current password for the chat group (moderator only)
  • /cg password - clear Clears the current password (moderator only)
  • /cg password [new password]

Communication Commands:

  • /em or /emote - If you wish to perform an action that isn't immediately available in the game, you may use /em or /emote to display your desired text.
  • /g or /group - sends messages only to your hunting party
  • /s or /say - sends messages in immediate vicinity
  • /send or /tell - sends private messages
  • /whisper - sends message to targeted player nearby
  • /yell - issue a call for help
  • /yell (plus text) - sends messages to people in broad range (larger than /say)

Group Commands:

  • /disband - Disbands a group or allows you to remove yourself from a group
  • /invite - Invites a target person into your group.
  • /join - Join a person who has invited you into their group.

Help Commands:

  • /appeal - Use to "appeal" for help from a Customer Service Rep. 
  • /advice - Returns a list of people (players) who have flagged themselves as advisors. Use /advice [playername] to send a question to them. 
  • /advisor - Flags your character as an advisor for the /advice system. Your character must have 15 hours played minimum before it can be flagged as such. 

Information Commands:

  • /dir or /d - Tells you the direction you are facing
  • /help - Brings up the help system.
  • /keyboard - shows a list of which commands are linked to which keys.
  • /loc - shows your location.
  • /quest - Displays the details of the quests you are on and/or have completed. You can also open the Journal on the Player Sheet panel to see current quests only.
  • /task - Shows information about a task if you have been assigned one. Will show the time reamining, as well as the name of the NPC to whom you need to head to to complete the task. Does not show the location of that NPC.
  • /time - Shows the current game time (not real time).
  • /where <name> - Use to have guards give you directions to NPCs. Extremely handy for finding people in cities.
  • /who - Lists number of players in the game
  • /who help - Lists possible /who options
  • /who all - Lists all players in the game, their class, level and location
  • /who csr - Lists all Customer Service Representatives currently online
  • /who <name> - Lists all players whose name starts with the indicated text
  • /who <class> - Lists all players of specified class
  • /who <zone> - Lists all players in specified area
  • /who <#> level - Lists all players of specified level

Guild Commands:

Chat Commands:

  • /gu or /guild - chats on the guild channel
  • /o or /os or /osend -  chats on the officer channel, only those given access can hear this chat.
  • /as or /asend - chats on the alliance channel, all guilds within the alliance can hear this chat.

Guild Formation Commands:

  • /gc form <name>- forms a new guild if all members of a group accept it
  • /gc accept - used by group members to accept the formation of a guild
  • /gc cancel - cancels any previously executed guild command such as /gc form or /gc invite
  • /gc decline - used by group members to decline membership in a guild, cancels formation of the guild

General Guild Commands:

  • /gc info - This command lists the setting for all rank levels and displays information such as the Total Guild Realm Points, Artifacts captured, and the motd.  This is dependant on his/her rank within the guild.
  • /gc who - Who all in the guild in online at the time.  Only works in the realm that you are in.

Guild Master and Officer Commands:

  • /gc demote ## - demotes the targeted player to the rank (##) specified
  • /gc info - gives information about a player’s guild, depending on his rank within the guild
  • /gc invite - invites a targeted player into the guild
  • /gc edit - This is the base edit command, used as a preface to all other guild editing commands. If used alone, without an argument, it will return the list of guild editing options.
  • /gc edit <#> title - sets the title for a specific rank <#> for this guild. For instance, if you want someone of rank 5 to have the title “Guild Protector” or something, you would type /gc edit 5 title Guild Protector.
  • /gc edit <#> ranklevel - used to set the rank hierarchy. For instance, the Guild Master might be ranklevel 0 while the main officers of the guild would be ranklevel 1. Other guild members might be rank-level 2, and so forth.
  • /cg edit ahear - edits this rank to be able to hear Alliance chat.
  • /gc edit aspeak - edits this rank to be able to speak in Alliance chat.
  • /gc edit emblem - used the edit the rank of members who are allowed to wear the guild emblem on their cloak or shield.
  • /gc edit invite  - edits this rank with the ability to invite members into the guild (at guild rank 9).
  • /gc edit gchear - edits this rank to be able to hear guild chat
  • /gc edit gcspeak - edits this rank to be able to speak in guild chat.
  • /gc edit ochear - edits this rank to be able to hear Officer chat.
  • /gc edit ocspeak -edits this rank to be able to speak in Officer chat.
  • /gc edit promote - edits this rank with the ability to promote/demote lower in rank.
  • /gc edit remove  - edits this rank with the ability to remove those below him in rank.
  • /gc promote ## - promotes the targeted player to the rank (##) specified
  • /gc quit - removes you from a guild
  • /gc remove - removes the targeted person from the guild

Guild Master only Commands:

  • /gc aaccept - This command lets you accept an offer for guild alliance when invited by another guild.
  • /gc adecline - This command lets you decline an offer for guild alliance when invited by another guild.
  • /gc acancel - This command lets you cancel an offer for guild alliance that you made to another guild.
  • /gc ainvite - This command lets you invite another guild to establish an alliance between the guilds.  You can only invite the GM of the other guild into an Alliance.  The GM must then /gc aaccept or /gc adecline this invitation.
  • /gc aremove # - This command lets you remove a follower # from your guild alliance group.  When you lead more than one alliance, each additional alliance follower (guild) will be assigned a number.  To remove a specific follower guild, use /gc aremove #, with the # substituted with the follower ID number.
  • /gc aremove leader - This command lets you remove your guild from an alliance with another guild.
  • /gc edit motd - sets a special message-of-the-day for the guild.  Sometimes resets itself.
  • /gc emblem - used by guild leader to set the emblem style for the guild
  • /gc leader - Allows the guild leader to promote another player to leader.
  • /gc motd - clears motd

Card Game Commands:

  • /roll [number of dice] - Simulates a dice roll; Specify the number of die rolls you want (six-sided dice only).
  • /shuffle [number of decks] - Create the number of decks you specify and automatically shuffle them. User must use this command before attempting to /deal.
  • /deal [playername] [u/d] - Deals the specified player a card and defines if it should appear up (u) or down (d)
  • /held - Returns a list of all cards in your hand
  • /discard [#] - Discards the card in your hand that you specify; /discard all will get rid of all cards
  • /show -Shows your entire hand to those around you

Housing Commands:

  • /boot [playername] - Kicks a player out of your house.
  • /bountyrent [personal | guild] [amount] - This will allow players to directly pay for their house rent with bounty points, rather than purchasing tokens which may not be correct in value.
  • /housefriend [player|guild|guildlevel] [Player's or GuildRank's Name] - Adds a player, guild, or guildlevel to your house friends list.
  • /housefriend all - Allows everyone to enter the home.
  • /houseface [guildname|lot number] - Points to the specified guildhouse of the guild noted, or the lot number noted in the command. /houseface alone will point to one's personal home.
  • /househelp - Brings up the housing manual in-game.
  • /listmerchant - Toggles whether or not your merchant's items are included in the Player Market Database.
  • /househelp - Normally, most of the housing popups are shown only the first time you do things. Typing /househelp will cause them to be shown again.
  • /release house - returns you to your bind place in your house/guild house.

Quick Keys (Default settings)

  • A = Jump/Up
  • Z = Crawl/Down
  • ] = Walk
  • [ = Skills
  • Q = Strafe Left
  • W = Strafe Right
  • C = Cast
  • I = Inventory
  • Y = Quick Sell
  • P = Stats (Player Sheet)
  • R = Reply to a send
  • O = Group
  • U = Spells
  • T = Torch
  • S = Look Up
  • X = Look Down
  • D = Center View
  • G = Get/Drop Item
  • L = Chat Log
  • M = Mouse Toggle
  • N = Consider
  • H = Combat
  • Numlock = Autorun
  • > = Quick Destroy Item
  • Left Shift  = Toggles your mouse pointer on and off without having to actually turn your mouse on or off.
  • Shift+(F1-F8) = Select Group Member (1-8)
  • Shift+Up Arrow = Repeat Last Message
  • Shift+F = Frame rate monitor
  • Shift+I = Gives detailed information and stats on the highlighted item.
  • Shift+C = Compass, repeat command to enlarge, and again, to move press shift and hold down mouse and move cursor.
  • ~ = Pans your camera around when you are in third person mode.
  • - (numeric keypad) = Takes a screenshot of the current scene
  • TAB = Hides the interface displays.
  • ESC = Removes the current target from your target panel.
  • Pgup/down = Scrolls up or down in chat and effects windows.
  • ' or " = Initiates conversation with another player
  • F1 = Calls up the internal help system. Not alterable.
  • F6 = Combat mode on/off
  • F7 = Target nearest option, select key again to cycle through objects
  • F8 = Target nearest monster, select key again to cycle through monsters
  • F9 = Target the nearest PC, starting with yourself. Select the key again to cycle through other PCs.
  • F11 = Change camera view