Uhm, does Hibernia actually get a 5.8 spd bow or is this a misprint? From my understanding Albion was the only realm which was supposed to have access to the slowest bows.
Edited, Tue Oct 5 18:28:57 2004
Submitted by: - Stiinky McStinkerson - This item is dropped off monsters Found in: Magical Ability: Function: resistance decrease Decrease the target's resistance to the listed damage type. Resist decrease Thrust: 5 Target: Targetted Range: 500 Duration: 15 sec Casting Time: 2:0 sec Damage: Cold Base Value of spell: 5 Resist decrease: Thrust -- Resists from spell-based buffs reduced 3% -- Resists from item-based buffs reduced 1% Per patch 1.88 (03.28.07) - As Quickness no longer has an affect on Archery, all Quickness and Quickness Cap on bows has been converted to Dexterity and Dexterity Cap, respectively. This will affect any dropped bows already in your inventory, as well as those dropped in the future. Note: This will not affect items created by the Random Object Generator (ROG). Per patch 1.88 (03.28.07) - Archers have had their unique bow lines replaced with a new line, called "Archery". Outdated Image. Stats changed in patch 1.88. |