A New Threat (Epic 7)
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Must perform epic quests 1-6 for your class before you can be given this quest. Unlike class Epic quests 1-6, this one can be done by all classes. 1) This quest begins with same npc you have begun all epic quests 2-6. After you speak with that npc all classes will be directed to speak with Lady Nimue... 2) Go to Camelot Hills, loc=25294,15018 , north of Nob?s Stable in Camelot Hills, and speak with Lady Nimue. She will teleport you to an instanced dungeon. 3) When in the dungeon, head west then north to eavesdrop on Vortimer and Promotus' meeting. (dialog from the meeting will appear in your chat box.) 4) Once the meeting is over head back to the entrance to the dungeon and then head south, up the stairs, continue south until there is an opening to head west, then north. There you will find Vortimer and Promotus and 2 guards. Kill them all. 5) /USE the Recall Stone and return to Lady Nimue. 6) Return to the NPC that began this quest for you to receive your reward. Rewards: Servant of Arawn Cloak -- Heretic Veteran's Cloak -- Mercenary Thaumaturge Cloak -- Wizard Abbot Cloak -- Cleric Deathseeker Cloak -- Necromancer Inquisitor Cloak -- Friar Crusader Cloak -- Paladin Animator Cloak -- Cabalist Underworld Knight Cloak -- Reaver Hawkeye Cloak -- Scout Elegist Cloak -- Minstrel Master Spy Cloak -- Infiltrator Engineer Prime Cloak -- Theurgist Entrancer Cloak (Alb) -- Sorcerer Lieutenant's Cloak -- Armsman Brawler Cloak -- Mauler Rewards: |