Aged Clubs (Hib)
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Speak with Penfoel at loc=16917,22164,7071 dir=176 Tir NaNog, Cullin's Inn . (this quest can also be done at loc= 28460,31033,4256 dir=249 The Foothills of Hibernia, the write up is for Tir Na Nog) Penfoel says, "Hail and well met. Perhaps you can convince [my friend ] that I am right in what I say. " Reilly says, "I can assure you that you will agree with me and not with him. " Penfoel says, "Look at my friend Reilly here. He has a very [serious problem] . Just look at him!" Reilly says, "I'll tell you who has a problem, baldy. " Penfoel says, "See! He resorts to [name calling] . He has to do that since he seems to find it impossible to get up in the morning. It's disgraceful." Reilly says, "What's disgraceful is walking around with your head shining like that. You could at least wear a hat." Penfoel says, "Now stop that! Sure, I'd like to have a full head of hair, but there isn't anything I can do about it. You could get up and at least try to show some [interest] in life. " Reilly says, "I have an interest. I'm just so … so … tired all the time. Especially in the morning. I have a horrible time getting up, but at least I'm not blinding people with a shiny head. Ouch my eyes, my eyes. " Penfoel says, "I'm sick of it I tell you. I've been doing half of his chores. I have a solution to this, but it [will require] some help from you, (your name)." Penfoel says, "Yes, I sent away for a recipe for an energy tonic, but I don't have time to go gather the [ingredients] , because well, as I said, I've been doing his chores. " Reilly says, "Now, just a minute. I sent away for something too, so you be sure to talk to me when you're done with his rambling. " Will you aid the two gents and get the potions? [Level 30] You have been given the Aged Clubs quest. Penfoel says, "Take this sack to gather the ingredients in. Let me tell you what I need and what [you need] to do with them. " Penfoel explains what to gather and how to combine them. Penfoel hands you a bag and explains what to gather and how to combine them. You receive the Bag of Energy Tonic Ingredients from Penfoel! Penfoel says, "You better talk to Reilly; he looks like he's going to explode. " [Step #1] Speak to Reilly about the ingredients he wants. Reilly says, "Well, I sent away to the hair club for trolls for a hair growing recipe for old shiny top over there. So you just take this bag and listen while I explain what I need you to do. " You receive the Bag of Hair Tonic Ingredients from Reilly! Reilly gives you the bag and tells you what and how to gather what is needed for his tonic. [Step #2] Gather the ingredients to make the potions requested. First, gather a piece of hair from a hairy spider. Penfoel mentioned you could get one from Hangua in his house south of the market near Alainn Cuir. (Hangua is at loc=23101,21653,7819 dir=339 Tir NaNog ) Hangua says, "Hairy spider hair? What kind of recipe requires that? No matter, I still happen to have some around..." Hangua says, "Here you go." You receive the hairy spider hair and place it in the bag. You recall the next item was a wolf whisker from Waiter Valaray who works at 'The Green Rose Pub'. [Step #3] With the hairy spider hair safely in the hair tonic bag, you now need a whisker from a wolf. Waiter Valaray should have one, ;try her at 'The Green Rose Pub'. ( Waiter Valaray can be found at loc=15538,27543,6445 dir=154 Tir NaNog in the very back of 'The Green Rose Pub' ) Waiter Valaray says, "How does everyone know I specialize in wolf parts? I bet that no good Nevil told everyone. If I didn't owe him one... Oh sorry, yes I have the part they need. " Waiter Valaray says, "Here you go." You receive the wolf whisker and place it in the bag. You recall the next item was a glob of sap from one of the saplings tended to by Robbins near the Chamber of Magic. Talk to Robbins about the sap first. [Step #4] Hairy spider hair and wolf whisker safely stored in the hair tonic bag, you now need a glob of sap. You should be able to get some from the saplings being tended by Robbins near The Chamber of Magic. Talk to Robbins first about the sap. ( Robbins is at loc=15805,22234,7129 dir=264 Tir NaNog, just outside The Chamber of Magic. ) Robbins says, "Oh I'm glad you spoke to me first. My poor saplings would be mortified if you just came up and try to “milk†them for sap. Rather than traumatizing them when I am so close to getting them to do what I want, I'll just give you some of the sap I have." Robbins says, "Here you go." You receive a glob of sap and place it in the bag. You have all the items for the hair tonic. You recall the first item on the list for the energy tonic is a mushroom. You can find one growing in the pig pen where Sienna tends flock near The Hall of Arms. [Step #5] The glob of sap from the saplings means you have all the ingredients for the hair tonic. Now on to the energy tonic. Gather a mushroom. You can find one in the pigpen where Sienna tends her flock of boars near the Chamber of Arms. ( Go to loc=19978,21182,7467 dir=23 Tir NaNog, when you get there you will get a pop-up box stating "You find a mushroom in the mud and place it in the bag. ) [Step #6] The mushroom safely in the energy tonic bag, you now need to gather a blue flower. Try looking in the garden behind Alainn Cuir. Just skirt the foliage back there and you are bound to find one. (Go to loc=26466,23859,7997 dir=270 Tir NaNog, when you get there you will get a pop-up box stating "You find a a blue flower, pick it, and place it in the bag. [Step #7] Blue flower and mushroom safely in the energy tonic bag, you now need to gather an ear from a boar. Don't try to get one from the boars themselves, that might upset Sienna, ask her for one, she's bound to have one from one they slaughtered already. ( Sienna is at loc=24927,20938,8737 dir=154 Tir NaNog ) Sienna turns to you for a moment, seemingly with one eye always on the boars in the pin. Sienna says, "Oh sure, I have lots of boar ears. With the turnover here supplying the festival vendors, we have plenty! I'll get you one." Sienna says, "Here you go." You receive the boar ear and place it in the bag. You have all the items for the energy tonic. You now recall you need to say some magic words. Consult your journal. [Step #8] Take the hair tonic to the crystal in the center of the Chamber of Magic and say the magic words [ohlet therebe hairnow] to combine the ingredients. ( Go to loc=15383,20724,7196 dir=314 Tir NaNog and type /say ohlet therebe hairnow ) The ingredients combine and turn into a potion! The ingredients combine and a bottle of Yesac Hair Tonic is placed into your pack. [Step #9] While at the crystal in the center of the Chamber of Magic, say the magic words [ti od tsuj] to combine the energy tonic bag ingredients. You say, "ti od tsuj" The ingredients combine and turn into a potion! A bottle of Onaibid Energy Tonic is placed into your pack. Return to Penfoel and Reilly. [Step #10] Give Reilly the bottle of Yesac Hair Tonic. Reilly says, "Oh this is wonderful. I can't believe you were able to do this. " [Step #11] Give Penfoel the bottle of Onaibid Energy Tonic. Penfoel says, "Oh great. Maybe now he can do his [own chores] . " Reilly says, "Here now, I got this lovely tonic for you that's going to fix up that spot on your head. " Penfoel says, "My head! I have a [tonic for you] that is going to fix that laziness of yours." Reilly says, "I'm not lazy! I'm just tired. Here, you take this and drink it so my eyes will stop hurting. " Penfoel says, "No, [you take this] . " Reilly says, "No, you drink this. " Penfoel says, "Oh for crying out loud. Let's both [drink them] and end this argument once and for all. " Penfoel says, "That's the most disgusting stuff I've ever tasted! Just as I thought too, it doesn't work. I'm going to buy a hat. " You have earned 11 champion experience! You are awarded 23,119,656 experience! You are awarded 66 silver and some copper! You have completed the Aged Clubs quest! Reilly says, "That's horrible. I feel even worse. I'm going to take a nap now." |