
Start Zone: Black Mountains South
Start NPC:Lieutenant Jursen
Related Zones:
  Camelot Hills
Min Level:5
Max Level:8
Grants XP:Yes
Grants Coin:Yes
(Average from 10 ratings)
Last Updated:Sun Mar 22 03:04:33 2009
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different

Barnarn the crier says, "Rumor has it that a giant wolf has attacked a patrol at a remote post in the southern black mountains."

Talk to the named guard at the tower west of Vetusta Abbey (in the same valley where you can find the dwarfs for a quest in Humberton). He tells you about Throatripper.

Lieutenant Jursen says, "Hail! Ever heard of [throatripper]?" (South Black Mountains - 5963,59063,1024)

Lieutenant Jursen says, "Yeah, an [angry wolf] who has taken up living in these woods."

Lieutennat Jursen says, "Well it attacked one of our patrols and was wounded. Ever since then the damn beast just howls all night and [attacks anything] that comes near it."

Lieutenant Jursen says, "I would have taked care of it myself, but I cannot leave my post. Will you [kill it]? I will reward you!"

Dialog box: Do you accept the Ripper quest?

You have been given the Ripper quest.

Lieutenant Jursen says, "Thank you! I might actually get some sleep tonight."

[Step #1]Find and slay Throatripper. (South Black Mountains - 9014,56520,0788)

If you kill the wolf that spawns near the edge of the forest between the cutpurse and dwarf camps right at the base of the hill, Throatripper will spawn at loc=6558, 52669 and come running at you, but will run off when you turn around and you will have to chase him down and kill him. He is yellow to level 5. He drops a Ripper pelt.

[Step #2]Return to Lieutenant Jursen for your reward.

Lieutenant Jursen says, "Wow! You did it! As promised, here is your reward. You should take that pelt into Ludlow and talk to [Marie]. It might be more valuable than you think!"

Lieutenant Jursen says, "She is a Seamstress in Ludlow."

[Step #3]Travel to Ludlow and show Seamstress Marie the ripper pelt. (South Black Mountains - 46305,44524,2217)

Seamstress Marie says, "Hello, you appear to need my [services]."

Seamstress Marie says, "Well I can do most any leatherwork you may require. Do you have a [pelt] that you wish me to examine?"

Seamstress Marie says, "I assume you required my leatherworking skills do you not? Let me see it!"

You give Seamstress Marie the Ripper pelt.

Seamstress Marie says, "Ah! A fine pelt indeed! I will fashion this a jerkin but you will need to obtain another item so that I can sew it properly. Seek out a large skeleon and from it bring me a piece of polished bone."

You can find large skeletons at various places near Costwold and Prydwen Keep. (Camelot Hills - 45106,49934,2677) Kill them until you get the polished bone, then return to Ludlow.

4. Give Marie the polished bone, and she will reward you with the Ripper Jerkin (LEATHER)

  Ripper Jerkin

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Dwarfs near..
# Oct 17 2001 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
The dwarf raid is a travellers way quest, at least for scouts.
Dwarfs near there
# Oct 16 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
If you take a Horse to the Avalon swamps there is a guard there with news about a impending raid on the outpost that starts the throatripper quest ..
talk to that jursen guy and he will say
" just in time you must kill 2 dorf raiders and i wil lreward you "
a whackload appear and youi need to kill 2 ..
he then gives you a letter of recommendation to take to the main guard by the bind stone in humberton
# Oct 13 2001 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
You have to be at the right step in the quest or else the items won't drop. Also, you can only do the quest once.

For Mulgrut, if I've been at the right step he has always dropped his belt every time.

The Large Skeletons seem to take two or three before they give you the polished bone.
Polished Bone
# Oct 12 2001 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
I killed Large Skeletons for about an hour the other night and never had a polished bone drop. I killed Mulgrt 3 times with his little band of undead but I never got the bone.
# Oct 12 2001 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
FYI , if you group with the other people doing the quest , you will ALL Get the needed quest item.

I'm sure of course if there's 50+ people waiting there's a line ...... ;)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2001 at 3:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FYI , if you group with the other people doing the quest , you will ALL Get the needed quest item.
Haund of Albion
# Oct 12 2001 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Throatripper is dead! :)
Just finished it, steps are:

1) get the quest from Lietenant Jursen, he's by the tower West of Camelot North Gate, past Vestusta Abbey.

2) go to the =diagonally opposite= corner from that tower but stay in the same small bowl valley. This is near the base of the hill where the high level Nain Dwarf hangs out.

3) wait til dark, start killing regular black wolves. There will be a pack of 4-5 usually.

4) ThroatRipper appears, he was Blue to my lvl 6 guy. Kill ThroatRipper. Be careful, that corner is also where a red dwarf bandit patrols.

5) take the pelt to seamstress Marie in Ludlow.

6) Marie needs a polished bone from a Large Skeleton to make you a jerkin. Nearest one(s) i know of is on the hill with the monolith by the crossroads near Prydwen Keep. I had to kill 5 Large Skels before 1 dropped a polished bone. :( The other nearest place where Large skels are is farther SE towards the dungeon.

7) return the bone to Marie, she makes you a magic "Ripper Jerkin" - stats: Leather armor, 10/10%, 100% all quality, +9 hit points.

All in all not a bad quest for lvl 5 or 6, you might already have bought better studded armor above that, only minor complaint, and i've seen this 2x now, is you have to do the dreaded EQ-style Camping. Yesterday we had to wait in line to kill Cleric Mulgrot. ack.

Would really really be nice if Mythic could implement the one (and only!) innovative thing Funcom did with AO - somehow have a personal dungeon area open up when you take a quest.

Yeah there's problems with that too but beats the "now serving number 47" camping thing. :/
TFQ (The Full Quest)
# Oct 12 2001 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
1. Talk to the named guard at the tower west of the abbey (in the same valley where you can find the dwarfs for a quest in Humberton). He tells you about Throatripper.

2. Throatripper spawns north of the tower at the end of the valley. He spawns at night (as per the guard's text) and his PH's are the black wolves. He drops a Ripper Pelt. Return the Ripper Pelt to the guard, and he will direct you to take it to Marie (one of the armor vendors) in Ludlow.

3. Give Marie the Ripper Pelt, and she tells you that she can make something out of it if you can get her something to sew it with. She sends you to get a piece of polished bone from a large skeleton. You can find large skeletons at various places near Costwold and Prydwen Keep. Kill them til you get the polished bone, then return to Ludlow.

4. Give Marie the polished bone, and she will reward you with the Ripper Jerkin (leather armor, chest slot, AC10, HP+5).

Cleric of Albion
Bedevere server
Maybe here
# Oct 12 2001 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default

Storm Strider says: "If you are standing at the North gate at Camelot, trun to your left.
Head straight and you will see a church, passing that and following the hills you will come to a tower, go past all of the Dwarf Raiders to the end of the fields.
There is a camp on the far side, between that camp and the hills behing you Throat Ripper will spawn.
Might have to wait a while to find him, and he looks just like any other wolf, so will have to con him for his name "
Try killin all the wolves.
# Oct 12 2001 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
Try killing all the wolves I think this triggers his spawn more quickly and he will only come out at night just when alot of normal sized wolves are spawning. Got the skin and then she sends you to collect a piece of bone from a large skeleton in the graveyard near Pyrdwen Keep. I have yet to take down a large skeleton to see what she has for your reward.
Where is it?!?
# Oct 12 2001 at 9:44 AM Rating: Default
I searched the surrounding area for hours... no throatripper. Can someone give me a more specific spawn area for this creature?
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