At 50 I received 645,922,816 xp, 322 champion xp and Yellow Silken Robes
Piaras and Lhia
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Per Patch 1.65: - The quest "Piaras and Lhia" has been changed from level 50 to level 49. Your steps and target mobs may differ. Parias has a couple of things he needs you to do. Kill a Cliff Dweller Spearman in Cliffs of Moher and return. Kill a Bog Crawler in Bog of Cullen (loc : 1550/29468 has also been found at 4k,50k) and return. Kill a Tidal Sheerie for a clump of seaweed in Cliffs of Moher and return. (loc=6588 20947 Cliffs of Moher) (Note: another possible task given in step 2 is to Kill a Bog Frog in Bog of Cullen, 57k, 26k) Kill Lhia in Lough Gur and get a robe! She is around 30k, 30k (Note: It is said she is a night spawn only.) Parias asked me to kill the breaker roane companion, and I found it finally at 5K, 28K. It just like a little white spot in water, hard to see at all, so go close to water to find it if you needed. It is con yellow/orange to lv 50 eldy lvl 50 received 645,922,816 experience. Champion experience gained: 322 Reward: |