Morvalt Streber Scalps -- Kill Task
DISCLAIMER: Your Steps and Tasks may be different Topi in Bjarkan, loc=8513,56782, wants some scalps. go kill Morvalt Streber and return their scalps for xp. Topi says, "Hello there. What in the wide wide world of Midgard are you doing here? This place is dangerous friend. Nasty dangerous! We've got more foes than Albion has rats. hehe! Well, since you're here, maybe you'd like to [do some good]." Topi says, "I know, I know? Everyone wants to get something out of everything. Greedy bastards and sons of? well, nevermind that. Anyhow, I'll make sure it's worth your time. Now here's what I need you [to do]." Topi says, "Well, yeah, of course you'll have to work for it. Nothing's free, you know. hehe Anyhow, there are they morvalt strebers around here that have been causing some [problems] with the locals." Topi says, "If you can defeat one in battle and bring me it's scalp, I'll reward you for it. But be warned. They are nasty creatures and will eat you up if you aren't ready for the challenge. Good luck." Go kill Morvalt Streber and return their scalps for xp. (Morvalt Streber have been found at locs: 5k 30k and 35k 49k.) Topi says, "Well, you made it back, and with a scalp no less. Interesting. Alright, well, if you're still brave, go get somemore scalps." Received 1,651,404 experience at level 31 & 34. |