I'm currently lvl 13 almost 14, I use mind/matter my mind is currently at 10/matter4. I havent used any spec points since lvl 9 and when I hit 14 I should have about 50 to use and most of them will go into mind cause thats what every sorcerer's most spec line should be. We are a very inportant asset in groups and we can also solo very good. Correct me if I'm wrong (from reading the other treads) why would you put points into str and con when creating a charater????.. If your going to do that just make a melee class. I wouldnt worry to much about str/con just get your main stats up frist where you would be more helpful. I mean if some of you think str/con is good way to go then fine.
Also you get realm pts in bfg's which you can also spec out with, which will also make you a better socerer. If anyone has the time also work on your spellcrafting skillz. If you have nothing to do one day sit in town for an hr or so and train in that it will pay off at higher lvls. It took me about 3hrs to get up to 250 with about 12g when I was lvl 8. If you could hook up the lower lvl's. It wont matter anyway cuase your armor/leather/cloth, gets to low for you to use anyway just hand them down and save someone else the time.. Besides it will make you feel better helping out someone else and the rewards later on can be great. Well good luck to all I will post more up later on.