Buff (Magic Resistance) Target's chance to resist magical damage is increased. |
Buff (Melee Resistance) Target's chance to resist melee damage is increased. |
Buff Shear (Random) Rips off buffs of a random type from the target(s). |
Debuff (Effectiveness) (Maintained) Temporarily maintains a debuff on the effectiveness of the target. Can be cast while in combat. |
Debuff (Random Armor) Temporarily debuffs the absorption and armor factor (abs/af) of a random piece of armor the enemy is wearing. |
Debuff (Skill Bonus) Temporarily debuffs the target's skill bonuses. |
Magical Strike Direct damage is dealt to the target for the damage type listed. Can be cast while in combat. |
Mesmerize (Maintained) A maintained mesmerize effect on the target. May be cast while in combat. |