Aura Manipulation  

Classes: Mauler (Alb), Mauler (Hib), Mauler (Mid)
Absorb - Adds to the target's absorption (ABS) factor, resulting in better protection against melee attacks.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time
Minor Discipline of Laresh 5Self 2 3 abs 20 min 3 s
Lesser Discipline of Laresh 10Self 3 6 abs 20 min 3 s
Discipline of Laresh 15Self 5 9 abs 20 min 3 s
Major Discipline of Laresh 20Self 6 11 abs 20 min 3 s
Greater Discipline of Laresh 25Self 7 13 abs 20 min 3 s
Superior Discipline of Laresh 30Self 9 14 abs 20 min 3 s
Perfect Discipline of Laresh 34Self 11 15 abs 20 min 3 s
Bladeturn (Chant) - A "bubble" that absorbs the damage of a single melee hit. Assassin critical strikes and attacks by very high level creatures will ignore a bladeturn bubble. This chant uses the caster's power.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Recast Delay
Tenacious Defender 26Self 16 + 4/pulse Bladeturn 10s/pulse 16
Undaunted Defender 36Self 23 + 5/pulse Bladeturn 8 s/pulse 16
Stalwart Defender 45Self 29 + 7/pulse Bladeturn 6 s 16
Buff (Constitution) - Increases the target's Constitution, which will cause it to be able to take more damage.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time
Minor Stamina of the Uruz 5Self 1 +14 Con 20 min 3 s
Lesser Stamina of the Uruz 11Self 3 +18 Con 20 min 3 s
Stamina of the Uruz 15Self 5 +22 Con 20 min 3 s
Endurance of the Uruz 24Self 8 +29 Con 20 min 3 s
Fortitude of the Uruz 33Self 13 +36 Con 20 min 3 s
Vitality of the Uruz 43Self 13 +44 Con 20 min 3 s
Buff (Evasion)- Target's ability to evade melee attacks increases.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time Recast Delay
Minor Gift of Foresight 6Self 6 6% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Lesser Gift of Foresight 12Self 16 12% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Gift of Foresight 17Self 24 18% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Major gift of Foresight 24Self 36 24% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Greater Gift of Foresight 31Self 48 32% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Superior Gift of Foresight 40Self 60 40% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Perfect Gift of Foresight 50Self 76 50% 1 min 3 s 15 s
Buff (Health Regeneration, Group) - Everyone in the caster's group regenerates the given amount of health every "tick".
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time Recast Delay Range
Gift of Nethuni 28Group 35 40 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000
Grace of Nethuni 38Group 45 50 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000
Blessing of Nethuni 48Group 55 60 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000
Buff (St/Con) - Increases the target's Str & Con, which will all it to carry more weight, and do more damage in melee combat and to be able to take more damage before dying.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time
Minor Strength of the Forge 6Self 1 +21 20 min 3 s
Lesser Strength of the Forge 12Self 3 +28 20 min 3 s
Strength of the Forge 19Self 6 +37 20 min 3 s
Major Strength of the Forge 29Self 9 +49 20 min 3 s
Greater Strength of the Forge 40Self 15 +63 20 min 3 s
Superior Strength of the Forge 48Self 18 +72 20 min 3 s
CAE Root - target is immobilized for the duration of the spell. If any damage is done to the target, the spell will break. This is an "Cone Area of Effect". This spell can be cast during combat.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Recast Delay Range Radius
Inflexible Armor 30Enemy 33 (Matter) 56 s 600 s 1000 350
Chant (Nearsight Dampening) - Nearsight spells cast upon the caster's group are reduced in effectiveness by the given percentage, or outright resisted.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Range
Eyes of the Watchman 29Group 14 + 4/pulse 25% 10s/pulse 2000
Eyes of the Sentinel 39Group 16 + 5/pulse 50% 10s/pulse 2000
Eyes of the Scout 49Group 22 + 7/pulse 75% 10s/pulse
Heal Over Time (Group) - Group is healed during the spell's duration.
Name Level Target Power Effect Duration Cast Time Recast Delay Range
Nethuni's Refreshing Waters 24Group 35 40 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000
Nethuni's Recuperating Waters 34Group 45 50 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000
Nethuni's Renewing Waters 44Group 55 60 15 s 3 s 30 s 2000

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