I play a level 35 highlander merc in Pellinor and it's been my experience so far that is prompting me to reply here. First of all, I took as much con as I could off the bat to offset my armor weakness. (1068 hps at 35). This helps keep me alive. Also, I went dual wield slash and haven't really noticed any real setback in RvR. Most classes you come across you will be able to solo, excluding zerkers and BDs. I don't know all the math on everything but I train dual and slash equally so far and I hit pretty hard. I also use Jambiyas almost exclusively...they hit hard and are very fast. Get them SCed and proced and you wont have may worries in RvR. Just my personal opinion
What's up with not being able to wield two long swords? Can't we get that to be a perk of specing Dual Wield up to a certain lvl? Anyone should able to use the same weapon w/ both hands if they trained enough. Or maybe add a str requirement. Either way not being able to do it at all seems a bit off...
P.S. What would it take to get a Renshi class...errr race added to this game? LOL! All it would take would be some dex bonuses. A lot of parry and evade bonuses. An inability to use any shields or armor and maybe a couple other things. I want a Renshi! :)
nothing wrong with going shield/slash. one of my alts is a merc i specced that way. takes alot less dmg in combat and blocks arrows. doesn't deal as much dmg but it's a fun way to spec and why be like everyone?
I personally perfer Thrust weapons. I think i probly do more than slash (i started as a slasher, 10 pts down the drain) but now i have 30 DW 20+2thrust 17+1 parry Briton Mercenary i have my stats at about 120str 90con 117dex 95quikness I am lvl 30 and depending on style or not i can hit for 0-90 dmg on red/low purple monsters with my right hand and 0-27 with my left hand w/o styles on right hand i hit for 0-47 I hit rather fast and i think(haven't proven yet) that i can do 1.5x the dmg of a polearms armsman equal to my level, constantly having to use Tranquilize(thrust skill lowers aggro) to let the Arms take aggro, i can't take the dmg that great because of my armor but i do have 718 hp
Good luck fellow Mercanarys! Klaven Karaza Tristan(spelling?)
(Ps i normally use Shadows edge followed by pemumbra, or Flank, or when i can't get into position Misty Gloom or Tranquilize(to lower aggro))
I have a level 6 mercenary with dual wield at 6 and slashing, cruching,... at 1 As you can see i have saved my points till i was level 5 and then i have put them all in dual wield but i havn't got twin return as style. So far i have got twin spikes and shadow edge, am i doing something wrong plz explain
i am sorry but i got duel wield at level 5 as a highlander, every single site out there says level 10 and that is not right, also it says bow at 5, and that is a bunch of hooey also. i thnk every site copies every other site. geeze.
The advantage with Dual Wield is IMO that if you miss it wont be such bad like a miss with other weapon styles, like Polearm weapons (image to miss with a Polearm weapon OMG!)
Second is you wear TWO weapons, try to get this right, wearing 2 weapons means a LOT, you got a good magic ability on the first weapon and a good magic ability on the second weapon. Means 2 you fight with more Power cause of magic abilitys
Third you are dman fast, image you duel a Caster (I personaly don´t Duel but some people do) if you Fight Casters with Polearms/2 handed weapons they got a good time to cast o you between your weapon delay. With Dual wield you cut them down, they dont got even a half second to cast anything.
The only really Bad thing in dual wield is you can´t carry a shield whoich means you are food for an Archer group :), and then all the Dual wield classes are stick to lower armor than regular Fighters.
Thats ok, remember you are a Damage dealer not a Damage taker, you are still a tank, you just make your job diffrent. Ordinary tanks are known for sucking damage, the dual wielder kills his enemy before he gets killed.
If you read my previous post, you'll either think me a bloody genius or an insipid fool, but I'm keeping track of all the statistics involved with the whole dual wield vs. thrusting vs. slashing debate and I'm going to have the math figured out by level 20. Notice on the stat page (the one you usually only look on to find out how many Con pts. that last death caused you) You have some weapon skill factors, which incidentally go up when you level whether you go train or not...nobody has mentioned this so far and while I agree thrusting is best (I prefer one in each hand ;) for RVR, for the fact that the Midi's and Hibs wear chain, no-one has worked out the math and the rest is still mere speculation and personal preferences.
Yea, you right, Thrust is good for RvR, ut i also hear ppl who say they cannot damage out a Pally with heal chant while they using Thrust weapons.
After all i have read i guess Thrust is faster and better vs. chain.... BUT ist lower dmg anyway.
IMO use the weapons you wish for, cause you are a Merc, you will get down you enemy anyway, no matter with which weapons.
Just ignore the little Thrust dmg+, it means actually you will kill 1 or 2 more people in RvR which is IMO not worth to use a weaponstyle i dont really want.
I use a Highlander wird Slash (STR + DEX /2) and i rock. I damage out any Pally and Armsman with slooooooooow Polearm. Only thing is that pallys get aggro cause of their heal chant which is IMO not really bad, it means for me that i get a longer life and more safe exp in a group cause all the Pallys die first :))).
I curently survive as the only tank in a group in Keltoi lvl 21. All Pallys/Armsmans in the group wearing plate eat dirt and i wear chain and kill anything which try to kill me... AND i was worried about dont wearing plate. Some things suprise me always :)
Just an FYI. I currently play a lvl 31 Highlander merc on Palomides server. And I have chosen to specialize in slash. Here are a couple things that I have found out through experimentation with different setups and combos of weapons.
1) If I had to do it over again, I would probably have chosen thrust weapons. The type of weapon you use has a definite advantage/disadvatage depending on target type. As Albion, to my knowledge, is the the only realm to get platemail it is most likely that any tanks in RvR will be wearing chain. Thrusting styles are most effective against chain, while crushing is best against plate armor. Slashing is best against leather/cloth.
2) Only the lowest 2 types of weapons in each class, i.e short sword and hand axe for slash, can be used for left hand use. It has been my personal experience that equipping the same type of weapon in each hand maximizes dmg since they have the same delay. I personally wield dual mithril hand axes (9.3 dps, 2.7 spd) and typically hit yellow con's for dbl 50's or better. It makes sense when you think about it. You slash with a 3.5 delay weapon in right hand, and you are off-balance waiting to recycle when your left-hand weapon is rdy. Therefore, you have a tendency to miss more often when you do swing until the gap is narrowed enough between the 2 to negate the difference. I have no hard evidence to back this up other personal experience, but I have tried higher dps weps in main hand with faster wep in left, and found I do less dmg. I am sure there will be some who will argue the point, but I like the results I am seeing, so will continue.
3) Pick a weapon style and stick to it. You should dump enough points into slash/thrust/crush so that at least 1 of them is equal to your level. The remainder should be placed into dual wield, and thirdly into parry once you get the skill at lvl 17. Each pt placed into parry raises your chance to block an attack by .5% added to your base percentage of 5%, up to a max of 25% at lvl 50.
Ok, here's my question. I see alot of people post about using thrust mainly as dual wield weapons and to some extent slash type weapons. I however want to use crushing weapons as my dual wield types..is this possible? Will I hinder myself in the long run? I know the zerker cannot dual wield crush types, which is somewhat depressing. I mean how scared would you be if a very large man wielding 2 maces steps in front of you and prepares to play Gallagher with your mellon? Any info would be helpful. Oh BTW this is for a Merc in Albion realm...Thanks
Ok here's a question... Is the base damage of a special attack for dual wield based on your dual wield skill or is it based on the lvl of the type of weapon your useing? ie... If I have a slash skill of 12 and a dual wield skill of 9 is my base damage for an attack based on my slash skill or dual skill... Can i use blunt weaps and do the same amount of damage with a dual attack if my blunt skill is 3? Any info would be great because it can affect where you put points into.
When you perform a dual-wield special attack, only the right hand weapon is used to determine damage, so be sure use to the best weapon possible on your right. No matter how powerful or weak the left hand weapon is, it won't affect damage during dual wield special attacks.Also, dual-wield special attacks damage are modified by your slash/thrust skill. not dual-wield skill.
When you perform a dual-wield special attack, only the right hand weapon is used to determine damage, so be sure use to the best weapon possible on your right. No matter how powerful or weak the left hand weapon is, it won't affect damage during dual wield special attacks.Also, dual-wield special attacks damage are modified by your slash/thrust skill. not dual-wield skill.
The dual wield skill only increases the chance that you will attack with 2 weapons, not that you will hit. So if you dump all your points into dual wield...you will have a high chance to actually swing with both weapons...but you will miss alot unless you put points into the type of weapon that you want to be using..like slash or thrust or crush..etc.
I decided to try a bold experiment and fly in the face of conventional wisdom and put all my eggs into the dual-wield basket. At tenth level, I do not see that slash or thrust has ANY bearing on dual-wield. I have other toons of the same level to compare to, as there seems to be a big debate over which is best, I decided I'm going to try them all until 20th level, I'll know which is best by then. So far, I don't miss any more often or do any less damage...I MORE than out-damage the armsmen and most of the dual-wielding mercs I group with. I almost ALWAYS have the aggro on me (which isn't necessarily a good thing!), but SO FAR...it proves that (at least up to tenth level) Slash/Thrust skill has absolutely NO bearing on dual-wielding ability. I'll post again when I hit 20 and let you know if it's changed by then.
Does anyone know if Dual weild is exclusive from the other weapon types? If I were to max out my Dual, and just forget about adding to points to slashing, will I start hitting less b/c my slashing isnt rising, or will I be hitting the same b/c my Dual is maxed out?
The manual lists which weapons can be used in off-hand. As I believe it is the smallest 2 of each 1 hand weapon type. Not sure where to get them in Camelot but they are available just outside both gates (ie in Cotswold, and toward Humberton).